Chapter 14.

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*Skylar's POV*

  I rolled over on my bed to check the time. " 12:43 " I sighed. It was almost 1 o'clock in the morning and I wasn't tired at all. I got up and slid on my pitch black Vans, I hadn't worn them in a while so I decided it was time for a change. I picked up my phone and slid it into my back pocket before opening the door to my room. 

  As I walked through the livingroom I saw my mum and Zack, drunk (and most likely high) sitting on the couch watching TV. And by that, I mean the TV was on and they were making out. Welp, never sitting there again. I thought. I grabbed the key and as I started to open the door I heard a deep voice say, "Where the hell are you going?" Really? REALLY?! Wow. Acting like the boss of me, whatever. "Out." I said vaguely, opening the door. My mum was sitting next to him glaring at me because he was no longer acting like he had taken bath salts and wasn't trying to eat her face anymore. He stood up and started walking towards me. "By 'out' do you mean fucking every guy in town because you're a dirty slut?" he said. My mouth hung in the shape of an 'o' as I stared at him. You could have fit a whole entire train in there, it was open so wide. 

  "Who the hell do you think you are? I'm just going out. You don't even fucking know me so can you back the hell off? You're such a chav." I rolled my eyes and started to turn around. "Or, we can get to know each other." he said, with a creepy grin playing his lips. That brought back so many memories of Evan. What's up with my mum and all these fucking pedophiles? "Hmm, let me think. NO." I said, pulling my arm free of his grasp only to be pulled back by the waist.

  I turned my head and saw my mother smirking. Are you shitting me? She's seriously about to watch her boyfriend try and rape her daughter and she's just sitting there, smiling? That's low. Even for mum. 

  Zack slammed the front door shut and started walking towards me. I stepped back, about to turn and run when, he gripped my wrist and pulled me into him. He smelt like cow lard. Oh, right, mum had JUST been sitting on him. That explains it. He smashed him slobbery lips against mine. I tried to pull back but, he was too strong. He started licking my bottom lip. He seriously thought I was gonna let him stick his tongue down my throat? Hell to the no. 

  I used my other fist to punch him straight in the jaw.

Mistake number two.

  He pulled back and rubbed his jaw. I would never show it or say it out loud but, at that moment, the look in his dark, evil brown eyes, was so terrifying I could barely breathe. The anger heald in them was too much to bare. I tried breaking free but his grip was too firn on my small wrist. Then, I watched the moment I had seen so many times in my life before. He pulled his arm back, and punched me in the eye. 

  I fell to the ground and he let go of my wrist. It took me a second to realize what had just happened. As I lie, on the ground, I felt his foot collide with my rib cage. "YOU DIRTY BITCH!" he screamed, kicking me once again in the same spot. He leaned down and screamed in my face, "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!"  He turned around and started to walk towards my mum.

  "Wait," I said whilst standing up, " You're telling me not to touch YOU? Hmm, I'm pretty sure you're the one who just had a grip around MY wrist, trying to rape me. That's fucking gold. How about YOU don't fucking touch ME." I wasn't letting him get away with it. I HAD to fight for myself.

Mistake number three.

 He turned and ran at me so quick, I didn't have time to react. 

  Soon, I was back on the ground, being beat up by my mother's boyfriend. He punched me multiple times in the face. I could feel the warm blood leaking down my face and onto the floor. He also kicked me many times in the stomach area. I could feel the bruises forming from the rough contact over and over in the exact same places. At one point, he stepped on my right forearm. I felt the bones pop, definitely broken. The tears were pouring out of my eyes. 

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