Chapter 8.

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Okay guys, the next few chapters might be in Zayn's point of view...... Or maybe just this one. I think I'm gonna stop writing until I get at least 90 votes on the whole story. So, VOTE! Comment Fan, all that jazz c; I love you all. Stay lovely :) xx


*Zayn's POV*

  This is all my fault.  I thought as I looked down at my hands. I looked back to Skylar, tears streaming down my face. We had been on a drive. I was just taking her out so she would be happy. So that me and her could act like fools, and just laugh. Laughter is what she needed. But now, now she's in a coma. She may not be out for weeks. Months even. They say that she could stay in that sleep forever. That she may never wake up. God, I hope she does. Every night I sit next to her bed and pray, pray for her to wake up soon. Pray that she'll even wake up at all. I've been sat here for the past three days. Only leaving for quick showers or if the doctor needs to do tests.

  I'm still in shock. I'm surprised I didn't get hurt. I'm glad we don't have to work for a couple months. I'm not sure why though. All I can think is, Why her? I can't believe it. She didn't deserve this. This is all my fault. If I wouldn't have turned and looked at her. I wouldn't have gotten lost in her beautiful blue eyes. I wouldn't have forgotten about the steering wheel in front of me. I haven't stopped crying since after the accident. The boys come to visit a lot. In fact they've been here almost as much as me. Leaving me to be alone with her. To be alone with my thoughts......

  The boys have been quite sad, as I have. They only met her once or twice. But she's just such a wonderful person. She can light up a full room with just her smile. Just her prescence is enough to make people happier. She just doesn't know. She thinks she's horrible. I just wish she could see. I wish she could see how beautiful she really is. She's unforgettable. Talking to her once can make your whole day better. Even if you don't say much. Even if you don't know her. Nobody could ever forget her. Especially not me.

  That's probably why the boys love her so much. They've only met her twice yet, they don't ever want to lose her. How could her dad do that? How could her mum do that? Beats me. Then, Niall walked in. Thank God. Now I wouldn't have to think anymore. His eyes were red and puffy from crying. He hasn't been crying nearly as much as me. None of the boys have. Niall took one look at me and burst into tears. Poor Nialler. Seeing people upset just makes him upset too. He's just such a caring person. How could all these girls hate him? That beats me too. I got up and pulled Niall into a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around my rib cage and put buried his face in my shoulder. I rested my chin on his shoulder whilst letting the tears keep falling from my eyes.

  "Niall?" I croaked out, barely above  whisper. "Yeah?" he said, in the same tone as me. "This is all my fault. She's probably gonna die. I won't be able to handle myself if she dies, Niall. It's all my fau-" Niall cut me off. He pulled back. Tears still spilling from his bright blue eyes. They always got brighter and his face got red when he cried.  He said "Zayn. this will NEVER be your fault. It was that dumb guy that didn't look before he pulled out. He didn't take a second to think that maybe you weren't going to stop and let him go. You're lucky you kept your hands on the steering wheel. Otherwise you might both be dead now. Or even worse, you could have died and she could have lived. Or even WORSE, she could have died and you could've lived." , "Yeah but," I started, "I'd rather me die than her..." Niall cut me off again, "And let her live a life full of sadness? You're the only good thing in her life now. And Zayn, you have to be strong for her. THIS WAS NOT YOUR FAULT. Okay?" I looked up at him. He's such a great person. Honestly. He always knows just what to say. "Okay. Thanks Nialler." I said pulling him back into a hug. 

  We stayed like that for a while. I pulled away and sat back down next to Skylar, grabbing her small, soft hand. Niall sat on her other side and tars began to slowly fall from his eyes when he looked up to see me crying. No matter what, I will always believe this is my fault. After about twenty minutes, the doctor walked in. We knew the drill. we stood up and walked into the hallway. We started walking down the hallway just looking at our shoes. Not saying a word. "Are you hungry?" I asked Niall. He shook his head 'No'. You could tell he was shaken up when he wasn't constantly pounding food down his throat. "Thanks for being here." I said looking into his eyes. He looked like a puppy dog. No, a koala. He's just so adorable. Like a liitle kid. He smiled sadly and said, "Anytime, man." I half smiled back and looked back at the ground. We had stopped walking and sat in a couple chairs in the waiting room. Surprisingly there weren't a ton of people there. I was glad I wouldn't have to hide. No one knew we were here. We always left at night or when we came during the day ( Well, when THEY did. I only left for about an hour at a time to shower then go back but it was always at night.) we would sneak in. If there were paps we parked in another parking lot near by and went in, then back out the back. Then we would walk to the hospital. I was distracted by my thoughts when another pair of shoes standing in front of mine.

  I looked up to see the doctor. He smiled and said "Good news, and bad news. Which do you want first?" I thought a second and as I opened my mouth to answer, Niall blurted, "Good news first." I gave him a look and shrugged it off, wiping the tears from my face. "Well," the doctor said, "Good news : Skylar is not going to die. She may wake up anyday, actually. But still mind;  It could be weeks, still." I smiled. A smile that could only come of genuine happiness. Sure, she wasn't awake yet. Sure, she may have brain trouble after she wakes up. But it won't be permanent. But then I stopped smiling and said, "Bad news..?" The doctor got a confused look on his face and said, "Well, there's A very loud boy in the room with Skylar." I grinned and said, "That's the bad news? Does he happen to be wearing, stripes, suspenders, red pants, or toms?" he said, "Yes all three. You know him?" I grinned and said, "That's Louis. One of my 4 best friends." he nodded understandingly and walked away with a wave.

  I walked in the room to see Louis laying next to Skylar, holding her hand and his head resting on her shoulder. He was asleep, with a smile on his face.I know she wasn't awake. I knew she didn't know he was there. But that didn't stop the jealousy coursing through my body. I bit my lip and sat down back next to her. The same seat I'd been in for a while. It was pretty dark out. I asked Niall to stay with her and Louis whilst I went home to take a real shower. Not just a 2 minute one like I had been lately. On the way home I did some thinking. I was still pretty sad that Skylar might not be awake for a while. But at least she will be sometime. The scene of the crash kept creeping into my mind. She had blood all over her. It was not a good sight, and I couldn't unsee it. The last time I saw Skylar, in the hospital a few minutes ago, she was very pale. A huge difference from her usually fairly tan skin. She looked very sick. I can't wait till she regains her natural color. Her hair was down but messy. No matter how sick she looked, she still loked beautiful, though. 

That's when I got the call.

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