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warning: Abuse and strong language. Reader discretion is advised, enjoy your stay!

Once again you found yourself on the big sofa. Pain pulsed through your body, only causing more of it. But the pain distracted you from the horrible emptiness which had taken over your form ever since he brought you back to the hotel. Staring straight into the lamp above you were blinded by its light. Though it did feel better than having to look around the same old scenery. Contrary to what you had feared, you were still alive, but chained up and covered in bruises.

At first, he brought a leash which perfectly matched the cola. But that wasn't practical enough so now there was a heavy metal chain connected to a magnet strong enough to not let you rip free from wherever it was connected to.  Your wrist was covered in bandages. He almost broke it but decided to just cut around it. Only three days had passed, but it felt like years. Doffy had given you hell for disobeying him.

Absent-minded your fingers softly brushed over the new stitches right under your belly button. It didn't hurt as much as the dark purple bruise he'd left on your back, but it still flashed in your mind how it felt when he cut you, right before putting the tip of his index finger inside the wound widening it even more while you did your best to merely whimper through the pain. He threatened to gut you should you ever try to leave him ever again. And you believed him without a word.

"It's your own fault!" Baby 5 broke the silence taking a long drag of her cigarette, "The young master was so good to you ever since he brought you home. You shouldn't have disobeyed him like this. If you'd ask me you would be dead meat and-"

"No one fucking asked you!" You hissed, raising your head to meet her eyes with yours.  Suddenly her eyes widened, but only for a second as she turned her head, avoiding eye contact not even a second later. You noticed how pale she had gotten in the space of two seconds.

You gasped loudly when she tugged on the chain almost pulling you off the sofa by your neck. The shock had caused you to jerk a flash of black in front of your eyes when the leather collar tightened around your neck once more. Coughing you quickly slid a finger under it, loosening it sending a death glare to the young woman. An army of insults flew across your head. But you were very aware of the fact that if Doffy, who talked to Buffalo and Dellinger inside his office, heard you, he'd make sure you wouldn't get up for the next week.

Baby 5 almost jumped as high as you did when Doffy's office door suddenly swung open and shut loudly.
Dellinger was hard to overhear, his heels clicked on the floor. He stood in the room, scanning it briefly before he snarled. "Oh, he moved." Calmly he walked over to you. Tensing up you got back onto the sofa, biting your teeth together. He grabbed a fist full of your hair forcing you to look him in the eyes. He stared at you as if you were a circus animal all chained in your little golden cage.

For a second you considered spitting into his face, but Doffy lingered behind Baby 5. You could see his way taller frame behind her. A frown edged in his face you even saw a vein pop on his forehead. But it wasn't for you. His hidden eyes would burn Dellinger if they cuold.
"Let go of him!" He ordered, taking the magnet from Baby 5 he shortened the distance between you and him by slowly pulling on the chain.

Once close enough he trapped your chin between his thumb and index finger raising your gaze to meet his. The grin instantly returned.
"He has every right to move as long as he stays restricted to the chain." He said, his breath brushed off your face. It smelled like red wine with a faint hint of his lunch. His other hand slowly patted your head and his grin widened when you didn't move or flinch at the touch.

Raising his head he ordered the three of them to start hunting Luffy, Sabo, Koala and the other two down. According to him they tried to steal his property and had to be punished for it. They left at once, leaving you alone with him.
"Would you mind talking to me again, (M/N)?" He asked, softly his long fingers brushed through your hair. The soft touch, though it was better than everything else you had experienced in the past three days, wasn't wanted, nor welcome and you tensed up a little.

It lacked you the strength and motivation to fight anymore. Any attempt had only made things worse. But talking? You didn't want to say anything, and even if you did, nothing really came to your mind. Nothing that wouldn't anger him. Doffy still stared at you expecting an answer.
"If... they find them," you began, forcing yourself to speak, "what will you do to them?" His smile widened, having you regret the question.
"They won't get away as easily as you did," he promised, his face closing in on yours, "I'm going to show them that no one tampers with my property. And once I have the fruit back we'll return to the mansion."

"How?" You asked tilting your head away from him. Doffy was quick to answer:
"The same way I got it in the first place. Let the user die and wait until it turns up again." For a second your heart squeezed shut, filling your chest with a new wave of pain. The room spun around you as you took a deep breath to talk again: "Right!" It wasn't loud, barely noticeable. Rattling loudly the chain suddenly fell to the ground. A little clicking noise freed you from it.

Caught of guard your eyes shot up to him, meething the familiar pair of sunglasses.
"Now now," he laughed, caressing the blue spot on your cheek, "I think you deserve some actual rest after the lesson I though you. Take a bath an get new clothes in the bedroom. It's late." The last part was more of a soft spoken order. One that you wouldn't dismiss. You vanished into the bathroom the second he let go off you. Hearing a low laugh leaving his throat you locked the door behind you.

Inside the warm water of the bathtub you caressed your sore, aching muscles as you laid your head back and let your mind wander. The thought about Luffy, Sabo and the others soon crossed you, waking the hope that neither Baby 5 nor Dellinger or Buffalo would find them. If they really were, like you theorised, rebells, then they must have some sort of secret hideout or something. Maybe, if they were smart about it, they could hide from them. But as much as you hoped for that to be the case, you knew that Doflamingo would only send out more people of his family to hunt them down.

A sigh ripped from your throat and your slowly let your left hand brush over your face. Curios you stared at it for some time, thinking about the ring Luffy had mentioned. Now that you knew on whoms side you'd fought before your mind went blank, you wondered if there was a way to find said ring. Your ring, according to the black-haired. Since that day you'd only ever worn the things your abductor had brought you. He forbade you to wear anything else. One of the many other things you were not allowed to do.

"Like living," you whispered, mostly to check if you still had a voice, "or entering his office, or walking without being chained or watched." All those rules and all the wounds that got inflicted on you because you broke a single one. It made you wonder how your life must have been before all this. Surely there was something you did, and someone you went to when things headed south, and a reason for you to join Luffy and fight for Ace's freedom.

But for now you didn't even know who this Ace was. Not to mention why you wanted to see him safe and sound. Or, noticing your body react without consent, why it made you sad to think about him, a total stranger.

Finally, you decided to leave the tub as your skin had already gotten all wrinkly making you look like an overcooked potato. With one towel around your waist and another messily put on your head you left the bathroom. It didn't surprise you that Doflamingo was already waiting for you. Greeted by the sight of him as well as oversized clothes for the night you instinctively did what he would have ordered you to do anyway.

Dropping the towel without missing a beat you slipped into the pair of boxers as well as the shirt. One of his. Reaching your knees it resembled a white button up dress more than anything else. Putting the towels away sou crawled under the blankets and turned your back to him. Soon you waited for the young master to say his goodnights, but nothing happened.

"Come closer!"
Your heart jumped and you turned to face him.
"I don't like how you're always this far away from me," he said before he repeated his order, "come closer!" Still you hasitated. Slowly, really slowly, you inched closer before he reached out and pulled your back to his chest. Trembeling madly you clawed on pillow an arms reach away from you in an attempt to pull yourself away from him.
"(M/N)," you stopped, "I will not hurt you." He promised, an unseen smile lingering on the back of your head.

He said his goodnight and fell asleep not long after, leaving you inside the rooms darkness. Panicked, exhausted you tried to free yourself for an hour before you gave in. Even though his arms around your let your heartbeat fasten, not getting beaten after three restless days let you fall asleep nonetheless.

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