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RECAP: he pressed you against the wall you continued to kiss back you heard the door open and the terrified look on Daniels face worried you, you looked over to see....

Daniel: Jonah it's not what it looks like Daniel said calmly 

Jonahs jaw drooped he look mortified his baby sister making out with his best friend Jonah had left the room with a completely pale face as if he was about to throw up.and not even saying anything

Y/N: Oh gosh 

you kept repeating

Daniel: well that was sorta akward

he said rubbing the back of his neck, you had to go after Jonah you left the room and went to his 

Y/N: Jonah i'm so sorry, i di...

Jonah cut you off

Jonah: it's Okay i gave you my blessing to date him, its just what i saw that shook me a bit.

Y/N: Alright i wont do that again you said laughing 

you gave jonah a hug goodnight and went to your room

Daniel: how did it go

Y/N: fine, he was okay with it it was just the fact he walked in on us making out 

you both laughed and climbed under the cover to go to sleep 

Daniel: sleep tight we have a day full of packing tomorrow 

you had totally forgot you had to pack for tour tomorrow you where so interested in Daniel you forgot about everything else

the both of had fallen asleep in each others  arms.


Daniel: Babe he said in a raspy morning voice 

Y/N: Yeah you said as you yawned 

Daniel: we need to start packing 

Y/N: already?

Daniel: it takes all day trust me 

You got up and went downstairs to go make you self some breakfast even though they never have anything to eat in there house 

all the boys gave you a weird look Zach started giggling 

you looked back 

Y/N: What? 


he put both hands over his mouth and the rest of the boys except Jonah where laughing

Y/N: wow i didn't know how immature you guys are we just kissed   

Jack: Y/N kissed Daniel the kiss virgin

you all laughed and got up to get ready to pack 

Daniel was right it does take all day to pack you spent all day washing and packing your clothes to get ready for tour.

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