Bewitched (Part 1)

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The man's loud voice turned all heads inside the busy office.

Tiffany stopped talking to her staff and looked up to see his business partner burst inside the room, panting while frantically jumping up and down in place.

"What happened to you?"

"This!" He held up a long pink gown. "What did you do to it?!"

"Nothing. That dress looks exactly like the design."

"But the design is black, Noona!" He held up a piece of paper with his other hand. "See? Black. A black dress. As requested specifically by our client."

"I know but it looks so dreary so I thought a little color would do her well. It's not like it's neon pink or anything. It's a very soft, elegant shade of pink."

The young man shook his head violently. "No no no! This must not happen! She's already on her way here to pick this up!"

"So? I'm sure she'll like this," replied Tiffany calmly. "She's not the first client whose mind I've changed, you know."

"B-bu-but... she's different!" The blond man slumped his shoulders and shook his head again. "Not good," he mumbled.

"Don't worry. A client is a client and sometimes they need a push in the right direction, an expert opinion, if you will." Tiffany left the room to go back to her office, followed by the still panicking man. "Calm down, Key. Get yourself a cup of tea or something."

"You don't understand," hissed the young man as he closed the office door behind him. "This woman is dangerous! I've heard so much about her and it's all unsettling."

"She's just another rich eccentric." Tiffany sat down on her chair and dismissed Key's concern with a wave of her hand. "If she really hates it then we'll just make her a new one free of charge."

"But her event is tomorrow! We won't have time to make her a new dress!"

"Then I guess she'll just have to wear this one, won't she?" said Tiffany with a smile. "Her complexion is very good. She'll look dazzling in this dress. I've even picked out a pair of matching shoes and ideas for her accessories. It's gonna be fine."

Key carefully draped the dress over one of the empty chairs and sat down across from Tiffany, lowering his voice. "You don't understand. This woman is not just normal eccentric. She's dangerous eccentric."

Tiffany raised her eyebrows.

"She dabbles in occultism, you know. She likes that black magic stuff. Some say that she might even be a real life witch."

Tiffany burst out laughing when she saw Key's serious face. "You believe that kind of rumor?"

"I'm serious, Noona. Ask around. Her staff is frightened of her. Something bad always happens to whoever dares mess with her. Always."

"Oh really?" Tiffany leaned forward. "What bad things? You get a parking ticket? You lose your wallet? You bump your head against the door? They're called accidents or coincidences or even bad luck, Key. That's not black magic." She shook her head in disbelief as she leaned back in her seat. "Black magic. Right. In this day and age? I'm surprised you even believe that stuff."

"Believe it, Noona. They weren't just coincidences and they were too freaky to be accidents."

"Then maybe they were just freak accidents."

"One even went missing."


"Her stubborn assistant."

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