Bewitched (Part 2)

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Tiffany stayed in that position until she heard footsteps approaching. Her ears twitched by reflex as she put down her paws and lifted her head slightly. She was hungry and so depressed that she wasn't even sure how long Key had gone.

The glass door opened and in walked the blond young man, followed by someone Tiffany didn't recognize.

"There she is. I'm sorry I took so long. No one seemed to know where you came from and Fany noona didn't know either," he said as he squatted down in front of Tiffany and stroked her head. "It's better not to disturb her when she asks to be left alone unless you have a death wish. Anyway, I got you something."

Tiffany was already sniffing around. She had smelled something delicious from the moment Key began approaching her. Is it food? Meat?

"It's from my sandwich. I hope you like turkey meat."

She had forgotten about her dignity when she stood up, wagging her tail shamelessly at Key who began unwrapping the thin slices of meat, putting them on the carpet in front of her.

"She looks hungry. Do you have more?"

Tiffany heard the unfamiliar voice in between her munching but was too busy eating to see who it was.

"I'm afraid not."

"I'll make sure to get her plenty of dog food later then."

She lifted her head at that. "Dog food? Ew! Just give me normal, cooked meat, please. A burger would be nice."

Bark. Bark. Bark.

The two people smiled and chuckled.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

The stranger approached her and kneeled down, rubbing her ears.

It was a young woman, shorter than Key, with long, dark brown hair and a fair complexion.

Tiffany thought that the girl was pretty. She smells nice too. Like... baby powder? And... flowers? Wait. There's crayon smell too.

The woman laughed when the dog began sniffing her.

"She likes you," said Key. "Thank goodness. I honestly didn't know who else to call, Noona."

"It's okay. I'm glad you called me. She's a nice girl. Aren't you a nice girl? Who's the nice girl?" the woman cooed, rubbing Tiffany's ears even harder. "By the way, your eyes are wet and kinda... dirty," she said as she carefully wiped Tiffany's eyes with her thumbs then stood up to get a tissue. "What's her name, by the way?"

"I don't know. She's not wearing a collar," answered Key.

"It's me, Key. Tiffany. My name is Tiffany."

The woman laughed when the dog started barking again. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you're trying to say your name out loud. Well, I guess we'll just have to figure it out later." She then bent down and lifted Tiffany, surprising the latter who struggled to get out of the hold. "Hey hey, calm down. I'm not going to hurt you," she gently said, hugging the dog while stroking her back. "Once we get you a leash, you're free to walk on your own but for now, it's better if I carry you, okay?"

Tiffany stopped struggling and turned her head to look at this woman whose face was now in close proximity with hers.

"Aw... you're so cute."

The woman suddenly nuzzled Tiffany, startling her yet again. Did she just... kiss my cheek?

"Come on. Let's go home."

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