Bewitched (Part 10)

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Tiffany went back to the office, told Yuri about what happened and earned a standing ovation from the tall woman.

"Good job! If she's still all meek and afraid, I'll gladly lend you my boxing gloves," said Yuri, totally forgetting the earlier incident with her almost girlfriend.

"That won't be necessary. Like I told her, it's all up to her now. I'm not going to do anything from now on. I won't text her or call her or invite her for meals. The only contact I'll initiate will be work related."

"Good for you! Man, I can't wait to see what she's going to do. She's quite the cheesy one, you know. Don't be surprised if she goes all cliché on you."

"I don't mind cliché as long as it's sincere," said Tiffany. Deep down, she already had a sense of how Taeyeon was as a person. She had, after all, lived with her for a week even though no one would ever know that.

"I'm hungry," said Yuri all of a sudden. "That whole anger thing took a lot out of me."

"Let's get something to eat then. I'm pretty much too distracted to work today anyway," Tiffany replied, taking her purse. She suddenly remembered something and snapped her fingers. "Of course! Now why didn't I think of that?"

"Think of what?"

"I know just the right person for you! Oh my god. I was so wrapped up in this whole Taeyeon business that I totally forgot about her." Tiffany took out her phone and began typing.

"Don't play matchmaker, Fany. I'm technically on the rebound. No one would want me in this state."

"You just had some bad luck. She'll understand. She had also recently broken up with her girlfriend of many years."

"So she's also on the rebound? Two people on the rebound getting together. That should be interesting. Heck. Why not? Set me up, Miss Hwang!" Yuri exclaimed. "And should things work out, I plan to get a little revenge on that barista."

"Don't use my friend for private revenge plans, Yuri," warned Tiffany.

"Of course not! She'd have to agree to participate first. Do you have a picture of her?"

"I think so. I'll send it to you. Her name's Jessica."

"Ooh! Pretty name. I like!"

Tiffany chuckled as she pulled the now happy Yuri out of the building.


Tiffany was busy for the rest of the week after that encounter with Taeyeon. A high profile client demanded a major redesign by Saturday and she was pulling long hours at the office every day. Key had told his group to meet somewhere else that Friday night since he was also unavailable, too busy helping Tiffany and the rest of the staff.

She was about to take a break and eat dinner when she heard Key's voice.

"Noona? What are you doing here?"

Tiffany looked up to see Key talking to Taeyeon and suppressed a smile. Well, well... look who's here. I guess that little collar grabbing threat and kiss did the charm.

"Since you bailed on us, I thought I'd come by and nag you," joked Taeyeon.

"Right. You're just using me as an excuse," said Key knowingly before stepping aside. "She's inside."

Taeyeon nodded and cautiously went inside the busy workshop. It wasn't hard to find Tiffany since the woman was standing near the door.

"Um... hi," said Taeyeon shyly.

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