Same Destination

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Before starting with the story let's meet with the main leads of the story!

Before starting with the story let's meet with the main leads of the story!

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Ritik Raheja

He is the protagonist of this story. He is always punctual of time and is always perfect in almost every aspect except cooking😂😛. He has immense love for his family. His looks make him every girl crush over him. Sometimes he also flirts with girls.

 Sometimes he also flirts with girls

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Shivanya Verma

She is female protagonist of the story. She's beautiful more than the moon. Many boys proposed her in her college days but she didn't accepted any of them. She has a strong self-confidence and the things that she aimed she won them. She can be called Sarva Goon Sampanna (One who is capable of doing everything).


Ritik was going to his office. Suddenly, his car broke down.
Driver: Sir, I guess the fuel got exhausted.
Ritik: What?? Is there any Petrol Pump nearby? Well there's no time for it, I will hire a taxi.

Ritik steps out of the car and searches for a taxi. Ritik saw a taxi.

Taxi Driver: "Yes Sir"
R: "Take me to 23B, Andheri East"
Taxi Driver: Sure sir.

Shivanya comes running at a high speed and steps inside that taxi.

Shivanya : Bhaiya, take me to Andheri East!
Ritik: Excuse me, I booked this taxi.
Shivanya : Excuse me! You might have booked it but I stepped in first, so I will go.
Ritik : I heard you are going to Andheri East, if you don't mind we can go together, we have the same date destination!
Shivanya : I don't want to share a taxi with a stranger okay!
Ritik : Yes I am a stranger. But what about the taxi driver, he is not a stranger for you???
Taxi Driver giggles.
Shivanya : Bhaiya, start the taxi, I don't have a bucket of time to waste over debating with this boy, I have to reach Andheri in 30 minutes, it's my job interview today! Start the taxi fast!
Ritik : Huh! I will hire another taxi. I don't have any interest in going with you!

Taxi started; Shivanya peeps out of the taxi window, turns back and makes faces for teasing Ritik😝 Ritik doesn't pays attention to her and hires another taxi. Ritik steps in and tells the taxi driver to overtake Shivanya's taxi. He peeped out of the window and made the same face as Shivanya did to tease him. Shivanya said in her mind~
"If today was not my interview, I would have broken his attitude! 😑"
Ritik was thinking~
"This girl was so offensive! Like seriously she has so much attitude. If I had time I would have crushed all her attitude"

Both of their taxi stopped at the same destination that is 23B, Andheri East i.e. Ritik's company. Ritik and Shivanya stepped out of the taxi and they were shocked to see each other at that place! They paid to their respective taxi drivers.

Ritik : What are you doing here?
Shivanya : I was going to ask the same, what are you doing here?!
Ritik : It's my office, that's why I came. but why are you here?
Shivanya : O Hello! I came here for interview.
Ritik : Oh Interview hahahah😂 but for which department?
Shivanya: Why should I tell you, are you the boss here? You can't be the boss, it looks like you wipe the floors here hahha😂
Ritik : Best of luck! Hope you get the job😛

Ritik walks towards the lift. Shivanya does the same. They saw their was notice stuck on the sliding doors of the lift; "The lift is not working due to some problem. Sorry for inconvenience"

Shivanya walks towards the staircase and started stepping up the stairs but she slipped down as she stepped onto her saree's pallu (aanchal).

Ritik saved her from injury. She fell upon Ritik's arms; they looked at each other's eyes and kept on looking, kept on looking, kept on looking.

 She fell upon Ritik's arms; they looked at each other's eyes and kept on looking, kept on looking, kept on looking

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