Fairytale [ Seungsik ]

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He is well known in school because of his looks, intelligence and personality that can make girls heart beat fast.

Well of course he can't notice me because of how I look. I'm a total nerd duh.

HOLY SH- its 7:45!!! my class will start by 8:00.

Since I'm done dressing up and fixing my things I immediately go down stairs

"Mom I'll go to school! bye!" and ran out of our house. I heard mom say something but I need to be quick, Our first period is Chemistry and our Professor is really strict he might kill you if your late even one second!!

I saw a bus that will pass our school. I immediately sign the bus to stop so I could ride in, too bad all of the seats are occupied so here I am standing holding into a bar with a restless feeling.

ITS FREAKING 7:53am and we're stuck in traffic. Should I ran to school since its I can see school with in here. I made my mind and quickly get out of that bus then started to ran.

I reached the school's elevator one full and the other one is at the top floor. No choice but to take the stairs. Gosh why my life is like this.

Our room is in the 3rd floor. I reached 2nd floor panting too hard. "damn" Its 7:58 now!!!

I tried my best to go up stairs as fast I could, why do I have such short legs. Yes! I'm at the 3rd floor now and I need to reach the room in time or else it will be the end of my life.


"ouch..." I bumped into someone and his books are now scattered in the floor.

"h-hey, sorry. Let me help you get up." He then offered his hand to me.

Gosh... he's... why...

"Hey don't be shy, just accept my hand" then he smiled that cause my heart to race. I accepted his hand and got up.

Oh! My Chemistry class!! I forgot!!!

"Uhm sorry but I need to go. I'll be late for class." Then I ran as fast as I could. Okay here it is... I wish prof is still not here. I closed my eyes tightly while opening the door.

"Hey! Why are you still standing there? Let's go in while Professor is still not here." The man behind me said. I opened my eyes and see no Professor inside. Phew, what a relief.

I looked at the guy behind me and saw the guy I bumped into awhile ago... KANG SEUNGSIK.

"Oh you're sweating, here have my handkerchief." He then lend me his baby blue handkerchief. I accepted it and gave him a small smile.

"Yah Seungsik why are you still in front of the door. Let's go! Professor is on his way." Han Seungwoo said.

He is Seungsik's greatest friend. I don't know how they come along, Seungwoo is a bastard. He always play with girls, every week he has new girlfriend (well take note: He just don't get girl from anywhere. He wants sexy and beautiful not just ugly girls around. Well, like me)

Unlike Seungsik he's kind, smart-

"We'll go in now" Then both of them sat on their own seats which is in the 2nd row.

I looked at Seungsik while on on my way to my seat. He then gave me a sweet smile which made my heart go wild AGAIN.

Seungsik's POV

"Hey Seungsik why are you talking to that girl awhile ago?" Seungwoo whispered.

"What's wrong talking to her? She's our classmate." There's nothing wrong about it. Besides I feel something when I talked to her, not a bad feeling but feeling loved? I don't know.

"Can't you see? She's a nerd. Wearing such big eyeglasses and even weird clothes." Crazy bastard. All can he see is those thin girls wearing such revealing clothes.

"Just shut up" I said and he sigh. I just shrug him off and listen to our Professor.

Our Professor gave us a project which we will by pair/partner since we're 27 in the class, one will have 3 members.

Everyone picked their partner while...

"Yah! No partner or group? Are you going to do the project by yourself again like before?" Professor shouted that cause her jump in shock.

"y-yes sir." she said nervously and fixed her glasses.

"I won't allow that. Find yourself a group or else I will not accept your project." The professor demanded. I quickly raised my hands.

"Yes Seungsik?" He asked.

"We'll have her in our group." As soon as I said that Seungwoo looked at me like 'what-the-hell-are-you-thinking' look.

"Okay if that's the case, I'll leave now. Goodbye class." After our professor leaved I looked at her and smiled.

I know I'll be doing the project alone since Seungwoo will just flirt around, why not let her do the project with me? I will sure be fun!

I stand up from my seat and went near to (y/n) "Can I borrow your phone?" She gave me her phone and I dialed my number and call it so I also have her number.

"This is my number, text me when you're available so we can do it together." I smiled and returned her phone then went to Seungwoo to grab some lunch.



I can't still believe this is happening... I messed my hair out of frustration and slapped my self. This isn't a dream is it? I'm doomed.


I'll make another Chapter of this because its too long. (Were still at the middle of the story hehe)

ig: ayasngwoo_
twt: strawBAE_rry

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