all male riviala x reader pt 2

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This is part two so enjoy 9

Y/ns pov : today was a weird day all of my male club leader friends where trying to ask me for something or asking me things like if i like someone romanticly but i would just blush anyway
(Screw this im just gonna end it to this part of where she needs to choose .

Osano : I-I chose osano y/n blurts out while blushing red and every one looks at osano in jealousy and osano then says " I PROMES TO TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOU AND I WONT BE SO MEAN I PROMESS Y/N CHAN I DO I REALLY REALLY DO " and you and osano then kiss as the othor boys just look at you with pitty .

Amio : I choose amio y/n says blushing undere the sakura tree with its pretty pink blossoms falling down slowly amio then blushes and holds y/n hand and says " lets bake a new found recipie " ( i cant spell that good so autocorrect ) and y/n and amio kiss and walk together to there own houce and live in harmony .

Aso : y/n looks at aso and blushes and then says " I-I CHOSE ASO RUTO " and hugs him and aso then grasp onto y/ns hips and swung her around and they kiss and the othors respect her disition( autocorrect ) and they lived together for ever after .

Nurse boy : I choose ( nurse rival ) y/n said with some stringy tone and soon ( nurse boy ) looked at her and said " really but im clumsy " and y/n then said i know but your sweet and kind and then the end .( i dont have a idea )

Mido rania : I-i choose mido " HUH " every body but mido says in surprise osano then trys to make a agument but amio stops him and says " let her go she can choose who she loves " and mido then grabs y/n by her wast and kisses her and then says " Thank you y/n " and the end ( i hate this i ant got nothing )

Megamo siko : i choose megamo siko y/n says in a confident tone megami then smerks and says " i knew it i would win her i mean im rich and im successful and then he kisses y/n and carrys y/n and then that was it the end

I had no ideas why you guy give me none why 😭

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