male hanako x reader ( fluff)

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Authors.pov :" BIG SISTER BIG SISTER" hanako screamed in excitement "what" y/n said confused by hanako yelling in the houce "where going to a water park " he said excitedly hanako then pushed y/n imto her room from the living room and gave her a frilly two pice swim suit

( like this exactly its not mine i give this picture all its credit to its rightfull ownerse i am just useing it to give a example of what the swim suit looks like but here is the link of where I got it from but i just looked up Anime frilly swim ...

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( like this exactly its not mine i give this picture all its credit to its rightfull ownerse i am just useing it to give a example of what the swim suit looks like but here is the link of where I got it from but i just looked up Anime frilly swim suits ) 

Anuthor pov still : y/n then.put on her swimsuit and put on a pair of shorts and a tank top that was f/c and wore sandals and she then got hanako out of his room after he changed into his swim attire .

He looked cute y/n thought because he was wearing a white tank top with pink swim shorts and even though y/n was not related to hanako ( there friends but all explane ) hanako likes to call her big sister because she is older than him by a cupple of months and she is taller than him but anyway soon they got into hanakos older sisters car tara's and she drove you guys to the new water park and soon after you three got there hanako wanned to swim but of corse he could not since he never learned how to so that was a big bummer but during that day hanako decited to go into the water and he almost drowned and so you y/n who was there in the water swimed near him and got him and you to shore and did CPR and when hanako woke up he then said" y/n I-I love you I always have so c-can you be my GirlFriend please " everyone around you said "Aww " and you accepted in joy .

So after that happend hanako took swiming lessons by you because he found it silly for a 16 year old boy to have to learn to swim so he learned in privet and soon after a cupple of years he decited to take it to the nex level and you guys got married and had a girl and when she where 5 you had twin boys and soon after that lets say you keep adding more and more kids everytime you got pregnant and your kids became famous for manny things .

The end

I would like to give a shout out to @teddychanslife who reauested this oneshot

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