Chapter 12 - A "Peaceful" Aftermath

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Over the past weeks of Mitsuhide recovering and him confessing to Kiki and her confessing as well that they have both feelings for each other may have somebody jealous of attention

"I wonder what's she's doing?" As he stares blankly at the sky by his balcony with heart and mind yearning for her presence, holding her hands and embracing her like crazy

Meanwhile at the pharmacy

Shirayuki was constantly working here and there all that time and haven't even saw him once that it made her sad but thought " I need to endure this!" . This was her thought the whole time so when a holiday or day off comes that matches up rightly at his schedule, she's scot-free with no work to think about

But it doesn't distract her from the lost time that they could be doing when a day was perfect to it, and she held herself back not to leave her work. It made her very sad, but determined she needs to do this and a resolve that she will make it up for lost time


Sigheeing deeply at the paperwork that was swamped right at him, he thought of Shirayuki once more to give him strength to persevere throughout the whole demeanor

"I want to see her.... even just for awhile " he muttered silently and by some coincidence he heard a whistle and flapping of wings outside and all more while was thankful for it when he saw her playing with Popo . He remembered the scenery right in front of his eyes , from the biggest to the smallest details of what he was seeing . An angel with a red hair , playing with her pet surrounded by flowers and holding a basket of herbs in a very sunny windy day.

With the whole thing recorded in his mind , he returned to work with resolve that he worked without taking a rest, in doing so he had a nasty fever 3 days after, then Mitsuhide come up to him "should I ask for doctor Zen? I think you've worked enough to much for the past days , you might pass out!" With face worried like he always had when he was growing up in his teens always out looking for trouble

" I'm okay! I can still- " with a exhausted look on his face he pass out , luckily Mitsuhide caught him on time before he fall on the ground

"I think I'm gonna call Shirayuki now! " he called one of the guards outside to call Shirayuki at once to tend Zen's (selfishness of working too much ) health. He sighed " he worked too much, so he can spend some time with her " sighs lightly as he carried Zen on his back to a couch and checked the paperwork " Wow. He finished a two weeks worth of workload?! In three days ?! He's that inspired and adamant to see her"

He was knocked out of his thoughts when Shirayuki came with a exhausted look on her face from hurrying to see Zen " Mitsuhide-san? I heard Zen passed out , what happened ?
"He face Shirayuki with a stressed face mixed with worry " Apparently Zen worked for three days straight, we tried to stop him but failed .... Sorry Shirayuki" as he bowed " please forgive me!" With panic on his face and let himself out of the room

With a worried face he walked to Zen's side and caressed his hair and smiled lightly " the things you do that makes me worry..." and laid a shy kiss on his forehead and stood up to prepare the tonics for him

What she didn't know, Zen was half awake when she kissed him and he touched it and had a big smile on his face and stood up and walk to Shirayuki silently, with a smooth motion he slithered his arms and hugged Shirayuki tightly and rest his head on his shoulders

"You're awake?! How are feeling?" With a flustered face when she felt his arms around her and his head resting on her shoulders "you should stay in bed for awhile " with a her usual angelic face looking at the bowl and Zen let out a deep breath " I missed you.... so much " tightening his hug on Shirayuki's small body. With a gentle giggle " I missed you too ..... we never saw that much the whole week ...."

"I'm sorry ..... I was working hard so I can free my schedule for you and spend a vacation on where you want to go " she turned to Zen and cupped his cheeks to check his temperature and to hold his face " I too was working hard to save up my vacation to spend some time with you"

Zen puts his hands on her hands and smiled " You're are so warm ...... I don't ever want to let go of you ....not for a second " she blushed and giggled " I won't leave , for now... that is " with a slightly opened door Mitsuhide shouted from the outside " Shirayuki! Chief Garack permits you to stay and tend to Zen until he's recovered. Zen! You and Shirayuki may stay at your room , me and Kiki ( hoping she agree) will be taking care some of your paperworkfor you. Okay bye !" With a light slam on the door, Zen looked her and grinned " how lucky am I , to rest easy and be with you, but this wasn't my plan though "With a sad look upon his face

Shirayuki tilt his head towards her " It doesn't matter, let's just enjoy the time we have .... speaking of which lay down, so I can put a wet cloth on your forehead and drink this for your cough. I'll be joining you later , I'll just get something for you to eat so you can drink your medicine right away " with a soft motion she slipped out of Zen's grip and walked out towards the door " I won't be and sleep, I'll come back in a few minutes. Okay?" As she look at Zen " okay, I'll be sure to remember that, and you'll come back right?" With a tiny smile " I will " softly blowing a kiss towards him

Which he caught and smiled like a fool and went to bed with hopes that she comes back already as he miss her already....


I have come back once more to the world of the living. To write once more for my readers who spend waiting for me to update and keep voting on my previous chapters that touched me to know that you favored my book to read

Thanks and savor the chapter!!

Hitting 1000 words is a big feat and an ACHIEVEMENT!!😄😄😄

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