V: Black Ship Scenarios

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Ambience Tactical Mainframe: Strategic Projection: BLACK SHIP SCENARIOS: 07/07/2175

Scenario 12: Black Ship first strike: objective: Trade Disruption

Active assumptions: Variables are as observed. Black ship possesses limited mass destructive capacity. Assume passable observed knowledge of Terran trade ports and economic activity.

Black Ship launches limited assaults on major trade centers. First target: Hangzhou, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Brisbane. Shipping infrastructure destroyed. Second target: Hawaii. Third target: Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Lima. Fourth target: New York City, Boston, Atlanta, Rio de Janeiro. Fifth Target: London, Oslo, Marseille, Naples, Tunis, Dubai, Sevastopol, Cape Town. Sixth Target: Archangel, Mumbai, Bengal. Estimate death toll 6.7 million dead 12 million wounded. Full shipping disruption achieved within 48 hours as minor ports are targeted. Estimated economic damage: 12 Trillion Hegemon Credits. Starvation in Djibouti, UAE, Lebanon, Kenya, Sudan, South Sudan, New Zealand. Estimated rebuild time: fifteen Earth years.

Official Transcript: The Recap with Michael DeVoris: 07/09/2175

[Music Plays]

DEVORIS: Welcome to the weekend recap, I'm your host Michael DeVoris. We've got an extensive show for you tonight, but before we begin, I'd just like to take the opportunity to remind everyone at home tonight, whether you're watching this show on an overhead or on your Interlink, that Ambience Corp recently released the new fourth generation Interlink device, and all Hegemony citizens are encouraged to install the upgraded neural interface at the soonest possible opportunity. You can get the fourth gen at any Ambience facility, the procedure is quick and painless, and the Hegemony will provide both monetary credits and Sesame points to the next hundred thousand citizens to go through the upgrade procedure. And now to the news, and it's been an eventful week, especially the weekend. On Tuesday of this week, the Terran Interstellar Authority recalled 55 ships from border positions and garrisons along the border with Grushan and Novan space and redeployed them across the Earth system, with several stationed in various positions from Neptune to Jupiter to Mars. TIA spokesperson Melania Tsarneva reported that the Terran Star Fleet was conducting military exercises and told Hegemony citizens quote, "not to worry," and that "there is currently no threat to the Hegemony or its citizens." However, on Friday, a foreign starship entered the system and made its way towards Earth. Sources at the Jupiter base say that task forces stationed there were ordered to intercept, and then ordered back to Mars and Earth. Correspondents reporting from the civilian base at Neptune reported sightings of two Terran destroyers adrift and caught in Neptune's gravitational pull. The unidentified starship continued on course to Earth and entered geosynchronous orbit above Montana. It was night at the time, and Montana residents described sightings of a flash of bright light in the sky upon its arrival. For more on this, we turn to my first guest tonight, TIA spokesperson Melania Tsarneva. Ms. Tsarneva, thank you for joining us on the Recap tonight. Now, obviously there are a lot of questions and rumors floating around right now about this mysterious unidentified starship and the apparent loss of multiple Terran ships. What light can the TIA shed on this unusual chain of events?

TSARNEVA: The TIA is currently conducting military exercises in the Earth system simulating a possible foreign invasion of the Earth system. Several ships were simulated casualties, and so are currently behaving as derelict ships until the simulation concludes. The presence of the black ship in the Earth system is an entirely separate occurrence. The TIA, as well as the Hegemony Diplomatic Commission, are investigating its presence and its intentions with the greatest interest, however all communications indicate a positive outlook for future communications.

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