How to be a bad bitch

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A/N: Please note this contains swearing

The sound of cop sirens drifted through the air as my legs pushed themselves to run faster and my lungs continuously burned from the cool midnight air that seemed to hover around and suffocate whoever was in its path. The air was so far gone beyond cold that it was freezing to the extent that if you took off a jumper you would be nothing more than a tiny icicle on the side of the road.

It was like the fucking titanic all over again but this time on land and we don't have a crazy bitch crying for Jack.

Yes, I am a real idiot. A completely and utterly fucked idiot. Want to know why? Well I managed to get into two fights and one was with a fucking cop. what's that I hear you say? 'well shit', yes, well shit is right. Actually you're probably some little nun at home who doesn't even know my definition of rebellion, so you probably said some little saint like phrase of 'oh no, dearie me'. You probably have your little dictionary-or better yet are reciting- the definition of rebellion as we speak. Well little asshole, I'll put a whole new meaning to the word rebellion by the end of the night just for your little dictionary.

The sounds of cop car sirens only seemed to increase as my legs continued to run in a fast pace through the small alleyways and around all the pieces of wire, trash and any other small item that was trashed amongst the normally quiet lane.

I never knew getting into a fight with a cop and running would get me into this much trouble but it wasn't even my fault. I was at a stupid little party just having a tiny bit of fun with some mates until the cops decided to show up and rain on our parade. Let's just say they found me out the back with my friends drinking alcohol, smoking and playing with my knife

It wasn't abnormal for me to run into the cops but never before had I actually talked to one. Sure I could be a little rebellious pain in the ass but my parents didn't actually know that I was out partying at night and participating in street fights because why would I tell those asswipes what I do in my spare time? They always thought I was studying at a friend's house or at the library till late. Yes, my parents didn't know the local library closed at 6 but why would I tell them that when I could use it as an excuse to get out of the house and away from the constant yelling and fighting. One day I might have to burn the house down to stop them from pulling out each other's vocal chords.

Want to know what I did on this particular night? Well it just so happened that about an hour ago a cop decided to walk over to us because most of the drunken teenagers decided to scram so they wouldn't get caught and he took my knife out of my hand. Now I was only slightly tipsy because I knew I had to fight tomorrow and I didn't want a hangover because those hurt more than a bitch on crack so when he took it out of my hand I instantly stood up to match his height of 5"8'. He was short and I was ready to laugh at the little dwarf but I remembered I had other things to attend to, like sleeping. I didn't want to waste my goddamn time on some little dwarf that thought they were better than me because I know it, he knows it, hell even the little boy who lives down the lane knows that I will beat his sorry, little ass into smithereens.

"Give me back my knife." I said calmly but fiercely. I didn't really want to go to prison for assaulting a cop, and I really want him taking my knife and getting to walk away without harm to a hair on his tubby body either so it was really a tough choice. Ok, note the sarcasm right there. it wasn't a tough decision at all.

I passed my cigarette to my mate behind me and he held it patiently behind me while I worked my magic on the guy standing in front of me. When I say magic, I speak more along the lines of punch-ups but nice try in thinking this was the next movie of Harry fucking Potter. In case you missed it- fuck is my favourite word.

I punched the little jackass in the face before clutching the hand in which my knife was placed in and twisted it at an odd angle so my knife fell out and I continued punching him black and blue until there wasn't an inch of normal skin colour left.

I took my joint from my friend and stepped over the now unconscious cop standing in front of me and continued to make my way to the front of the party where the music was now cranked to maximum volume and everyone was grinding on one another. Little did I realise I was about to land myself into even more trouble.

Now you're probably thinking that was the end of my oh so rebellious night but no of course it wasn't, I just had to run into a good old friend- note the extremely obvious sarcasm there my friend.

Stepping on my cigarette before walking out of the party, I Paige Haze managed to get myself into a fight and with none other than the notorious street fighter Blake Woods. I honestly should go to fucking bed but of course here I am fighting a playboy, street fighter. Just my motherfucking luck.

"Get the fuck out of my way Blake or I swear to god, I will rip your balls out and feed them to you" I hissed at the asshat standing in front of my way out of here. It was only a matter of time before more cops would come to hunt my ass down and I didn't want to be anywhere near the joint.

"No way in hell princess but nice try" He smirked and picked up a piece of my hair before twirling it around his finger.

"Oi asshole, could you stop that and move out of my goddamn way? I have no more patience and I'm in no mood to fight you" I scoffed and tried to push past him but he caught my wrist before I could make a beeline out of there and to the comfort of my own home.

"You fight?" He asked with a raised eyebrow "I call bullshit" He smirked that once again cocky smirk and along with it, it brought the whole smug look to his face. I was seriously ready to wring his neck because he was funding the worst ways to piss me off.

"Do you call this bullshit?" I said quickly before punching him in the face with a nice hard edge to it. That should stuff his nose up for a while. As soon as my hand retracted, I looked up to him with a sweet smile. Him realising that I hit him tried to swing for me but I dodged and punched him again but this time in the stomach. The back and forth of punches continued for quite some time until he was left black and blue and I was almost completely unharmed.

Key word in this sentence is almost.

"I swear to god I will-" He was cut short by the howl of cop sirens and my string of cuss words as I ran through the streets trying to escape my run in with fate.

And that brings me to this current moment in time with me running like a madman on crack just trying to escape the cops but it seems as if wherever I go they are there. I turn left; they're there. I turn right; they're there. I go straight- ok you get the point; they're every-fucking-where.

I just ran blindly through the streets as if I didn't have a care in the world but of course all fun times have to come to an end. That end was when they cornered me on the street.


Well I guess you could say, I had a not so great streak of rebellion up my sleeve and let's hope my little lies will get me out of jail this time because my pockets couldn't handle busting my ass out of jail. All by jeans could do for my ass is hold them up and out of the cool midnight air. Hell, they can hardly do that so why am I relying on a pair of jeans for bail money? I don't know; I'm just a rebellious bitch with a sailor mouth and a liking for sarcasm.


Hey guys, so this was originally a short story but plans have changed and i am now in progress of planning this book, it may come slowly as i have so many things up at the moment but hopefully i can get back into writing and give you some bomb ass ways on how to be a bad bitch!

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