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Milly's pov:

M: there here already

I open the door

Jaeden: sophia is here sadie

Then i hear sadie running over hear screaming


she ran over hugging sophia

Sadie: omg sophia i haven't seen you in almost a whole year i missed you so much how are you, what're you wearing sophia, omg a bird pooped in your hair im serious

Sophia: wait what

She ran to the bathroom and sadie followed

Sophia: how did i not feel that omg 😲

Sadies pov:

I ran to the bathroom helped the fix her hair

She washed out her hair and all the bird poop came out of her hair

Then i gave her some of my clothes and then she looked soo much better the was wearing a mermaid tail dress and the dress had grey all at the top  it was an ugly dress it literally had a mermaid tail on it

What i gave her: She wore a black cropped top that was tight not as tight like she cant fit it though, and she wore some ripped whitish bluish pants they were tight pants not baggy

Sophia: i have an idea

Finn: what?

Sophia: 7 mins in heaven


What happens next to be continued
Dont forget to vote and comment you dont have to if you dont wanna though i dont really care i just do this cause im board



i am satie known as sadie sink ( sadie sink fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now