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Calebs pov:

Omg this is gonna be so akward

Sadie: so

She tapped her fingers on her lap

Sadie: ???

She smiled

Sadie: i think sophia is ease dropping


i heard sophia run back to her spot and said

Sophia: w-what are you talking about why would i do such a thing sadie

Caleb: sophia is weird

Sophia shook her head yeah slowly up and down

We both started leaning in and  in a snap be were kissing each other  

Sadie: *moaning

We were kissing for about 7 mins then sadie pulled away

Caleb: Milly's right you are a good kisser

She just smiled

Milly: of coarse im right

Sophia: milly shush

Finn: why are you  listening  to them kiss, your weird sophia and milly

Sadie: Sophia its been 7 mins can we like get out of this SUPER HOT CLOSET

It was pret- REALLY hot in the closet

Sophia: yeah yeah she said disappointed

Me and sadie got out the closet

Sophia: OMG SADIE FOR ONE YOUR CLOTHES ARE MESSED UP LIKE CRAZY caleb what did you do to her she said fake crying

Sophia pulled sadie in a hug

Sophia; your first real kiss sadie how does it feel?

Sadie: no personal questions sophia, but to be honest...
Sadie said with the biggest smile ever

Sadie: *running around the room  Ahhhhhhhhhh SOPHIA I JUST KISSED MY BIGGEST CRUSH EVER, well actually my only crush ever BUT JUST AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SOPHIA, And it was from you can you believe this you thought of playing 7 minutes in heaven and it landed on my precious caleb

At the end the hugged me so tight i couldn't breath

Caleb: okay let go sadie i cant breath

Sadie: oh sorry

I couldn't believe that i asked sadie out and kissed her in the closet, she is super good at kissing like i know it was her first kiss but like SHE KISSES SO GOOD like you don't even know, she had left over grape chapstick from milly but i didn't really care, her lips were so soft sweet and it was the best thing ever happened to me

Sadies pov:

Sadie: HE ASKED ME OUTT KISSED ME like who knew that caleb would actually like me i h-


Caleb looked zoned out like he was in his own word right now

I showed sophia my phone saying

you are the most beautiful girl in the world and i would die for you i love you to death and i would love it if you would go out with me that would mean the world to me, sadie sink will you be the loveliest, of a girlfriend


sadie: i said yeah of course i would be your girlfriend I've liked you for so long ever since we've first met i liked you


they both hugged me so tight but i could still breath

Finn: thats not romantic you guys

Me sophia and milly gave him the death stare and walked away to the kitchen and we all started jumping up and down


I cringe so hard


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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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