Chapter 2

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"Maggie, are you okay?" Principle Hen asks me.

"I uh.. Yeah I'm fine." I answer.

"Are you sure? Ted pushed you very aggressively." He rested his interlocked hands on his desk as I fiddled my thumbs on my lap.

"How did you find that out? You've been in your office all day." I dodge his question.

"Dorice was video taping the situation and sent it to me." He answers.

"Dorice? Who's that?" Tori asks.

"Oh, sorry. You know her as Ms. Golts." Principle Hen says. The secretary was filming us? "Now, are you okay. Answer me truthfully."

"I am honest to god, 100% okay Mr. Hen." I answer.

"Did he do anything to you, Tori? Threats, inappropriate actions, such as something harmful or contact in an uncomfortable area?" Mr. Hen asked, moving his body to face Tori.

"Oh my gosh, Mr. Hen that last statement is a little uncalled for." Tori speaks up.

"I'm sorry, it's just Mr. Times has a past of.... 'Uncalled for' actions." Mr. Hen explains himself.

"And no, none of the sort. Just to Maggie... Which is odd." Tori says.

"Do you need me to call in Mr. Times to say an apology?" The principle offers.

"No, no. That won't be necessary." Tori and I both say.

"Are you sure? He needs to understand that, that kind of behaviour is to not be tolerated inside of school. And outside. It should never be tolerated." Mr. Hen pushes on.

"I'm okay, I promise. Just a little shocked. Whatever punishment you have in mind should be fine." I answer.

"Okay, so he will be suspended for 3 days and write an apology letter to you."

"Oh my god are we in elementary school?" I accidentally say out loud.

"What did you say?" Mr. Hen asks me.

"I am so sorry oh my gosh! I just.. No apology letter should be needed." I say, feeling my face get hot from embarrassment.

"He's writing one and that's that." Mr. Hen says, standing up. "Now thank you for stopping by, now return to class." He says, holding his door open for us.

"Thank you, Mr. Hen." I hear Tori say.

We leave to go to our lockers we stop by mine first. "Are we actually going to class?" I ask Tori.

"No way! Lunch is in 5 minutes, class is practically over. We'll get notes off of someone in class." Tori answers.

"Cool! Oh, today I have to buy lunch." I say.

"Alright, I'll wait in line with you." Tori says.

For those five minutes, we just wandered the halls, talking about everything there is for us to talk about.

I buy my lunch and we sit in our usual table at the back, waiting for our three other friends to join us; Shawn, Tanya and Mac.

"Where do you think Tanya, Shawn and Mac are?" Tori asks me, speaking my mind.

"Oh my gosh." I say. I looked up and saw those three sitting two tables away, talking and looking at us at the same time.

"What?" Tori asks, looking around the general area I'm looking at. "Oh my gosh." Yeeeeeep she found them.

"I feel like the whole school is talking about us." I say.

"Or at least you and Ted. He didn't do anything to me." Tori says. She's right. "What did he say to you anyways?" She asks me.

"Yeah, what did Ted tell you?" Some random guy from the table in front of us turned around. "Jack." He smiles, holding out his hand for me.

"Maggie." I say, shaking it.

"Tori." Tori mimics my actions.

"I know who you are, Maggie. Everyone in school is talking about you." Jack says. "Guys I'll catch up later." Jack says to his table of friends.

"Uh.. You wanna sit with us...?" Tori asks.

"Sure." Is all Jack says, grabbing his bag an his food before sitting next to me.

"So.. What did he say to you?" Tori asks.

"Um.." I look up at Jack. "Nothing." I answer, staring at my food.

"No I get it, I'm the new friend. Need to earn your trust." Friend? Fuck yeah!!

"So you just replaced us?" mac asks, standing above us with his lunch bag in his hand, Tanya and Shawn behind him.

"It seemed to me that you replace us." Tori says, pointing to the table where they were just sitting at.

"What are you talkin about? We were held back in drama." Tanya speaks up.

"Funny, so that's why your bag is over there, Tanya?" I ask, smirking.

"And then who did we see? Your doppelgänger?" Tori sasses. Shawn huffs and they walk off.

"Well I guess it's just you and me, Tori." I say, and Jack coughs. "And the new guy." I add, rolling my eyes.

"And the new guyyyy." Jack repeats in a girly voice, crushing me in a hug. I can hear Tori laughing at me as my pleas for Jack to let me go are denied.

"Let me go." I demand.

"No." Jack says

"Let me go." I repeat.

"No." Jack replies.

"Let me go."


"Let me go."


Tori was in hysterics, thinking this is the funniest thing ever.

"You can have my cookie?" I try and reason with him.

"Okay!" He releases me and takes my cookie.

I guess Jack isn't so bad.

Tori's POV

I don't know if I can trust this guy.



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