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Y/n and Daniel a rule that they cant break, the rule is they cannot kiss each other until y/n is still a minor, Daniel agreed to this rule because he respects y/n and would do anything for her. And because this rule was made by their parents.

Many years has passed, y/n turned 21and Daniel is now 25 years old. As soon as y/n turned 17 the couple moved to their own house and live together. "Oppa!. Can you please drive me to work?!." Y/n shouted to her boyfriend who is taking a bath. "Yeah,sure. Just give me a minute!." Replied Daniel in a loud voice so that his girlfriend could hear him. "Thank you baby!" She thanked him before wearing her shoes and waiting for daniel. After a few minutes Daniel came out and walked to the car while holding y/n's hand. He then opened the door for her and had to run arount to the other side of the car in to the drivers seat.

They arrived at Yg ent. And y/n bid goodbye to Daniel and went inside the building.

"So youre, planning on writing a song about you and Daniel?" Jiyong also known as Gdragon asked the y/n "yeah i already wrothe the lyrics all i have to do now is record it" "okay then, ill help you." "Thanks" she got into the booth and prepared her voice. "1.....2......3.......go..." she started to sing.

'Marry me, wherever you want
marry me, I'm okay with
The ocean, even a windy hill
Marry me, even if it's just us two
Marry me, if the main star is you
I feel like I could fly
Do you know?

Dear fiancée dear my love
I'll promise you, forever
I'll only look at you and protect you
In any moment

I need you now
I need you now
I need you by my side
I need you by my side

Marry me, I want to tell you
To you, who is the most precious to me
My heart that I've kept for a long time

Dear Fiancee, all of the innocent feelings
That I had when I was a child
I'm feeling them again after becoming an adult

I need you now
would you love me when it's dark
(would you be my everything)
I need you now
I need you by my side
I need you by my side

I need you now, I want us together
Be with me forever, forever
With a young heart
Let's tie the knot
I want to spend each moment with your purity
Even the future is bleak yet the moon greets you
When you're walking alone, looking around through alleys
Lonely nights and empty seats
Forget those days now, I'll protect you now
I'll be your pillar, I'll be your bright light
You can get drunk with our love, I'll be your driver
Show me all your weaknesses, show me all your scars
It's what makes you beautiful
Even the silhouette of your heart
I need you by my side and I need you now
I think I'll be happy, if only you're by my side
No trust without us, I think it's destiny
Close your eyes, hold my hand, trust me and follow me

Remember that I love you more than you love yourself
I'll always live for you, in any moment

I need you now
would you be mine
I need you by my side
I need you by my side

marry me love'

(A/n: Btw, if you dont know the song its 'fiancee' by jung joon young.)

She sang while thinking of Daniel. " damn one try and you nailed it, now thats y/n the superstar!." Jiyong praised her. "Stop it, its embarrasing." She said while jiyong just chuckled.

"Ahhhhh, i miss her so much." Daniel groaned in frustration. Hes been like this for a few hours now. And his members got so annoyed they decided to call y/n while daniel was groaning while lying on the practice rooms floor.

After a few more rings y/n picked up. Which made the members smile in delight.

Woojin: please come to the company. Your boyfriend is so annoying. Hes been crying and saying 'i miss her so much' for two hours.

Y/n: nae, ill come by, i just finished recording with gd.

Guanlin: Gd?!!!! Wahhhhh your so lucky.

Y/n: you must be his fan, ill take you to the company next time.

And with that the call ended.

The door bursted open. Revealing y/n. Daniel immediately rose from the dead, i mean the floor and went to his girlfriend who was panting heavily "are you okay?" He asked worried about his lover. "Im fine just a few fans." "Get some rest and drink water" she nodded and followed what Daniel told her.
"Y/N!!!!!!" The members of wannaone screamed while racing over who gets to hug her first.

[[COMPLETED]] Young love.   (Kang Daniel)Where stories live. Discover now