Chapter 1

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"You're leaving" were the first words out of Jayden's mouth.
"What the fuck do you mean I'm leaving?" David asked gobsmacked at the comment his best friend made.

Jayden pushed his half-naked friend into the house to the living room, closing the main door behind him.
"You need to calm down bro" Jayden said calmly.
"I'm calm, so shut the fuck up and tell me what you mean" David growled out.

"Ok. So this morning...we kinda... Ahh-"
"Spit it out"David groaned
"We found a threatening note this morning in the office .And last week, we found a hack in the website. I didn't want to tell you so that you wouldn't be worried but your dad said I had to tell you and you have to leave this country. And you know as the current CEO, you have to be safe-"

"You were in this with my Dad and you didn't tell me?!"
"Yeah,  I'm sorry"
"You found threats and you didn't tell me about them! "
"Yeah I'm sorry "
"You want me to leave this country!"
"Yeah I'm sorry "
"What made you think I would?!"
"Yeah I- you have to! "
"No, I won't. My company depends on me so I'm not leaving."
"I want you to be safe, bro. it will be easier for us to find this hacker once and for all. "
David sighed and looked at his best friend with pensive eyes.
"No, no, no, please Jay-"
"Don't you trust me." Jayden asked with sad eyes and David growled.
"When do I leave? " He sighed
"YES" Jayden cried out.
"Today? "
"No shit Sherlock. I will choose where I'll go. Follow me" David walked into his study and picked a tray of darts.
He looked at the wall facing his table and smirked. He was going to choose wherever he wanted and he wanted home. Only home.
"Now, I'm going to throw this dart on that atlas facing us. Wherever the first one lands, that's where I'm going. Do we have a deal? "
Jayden watched his friend closely
"Okay. Do it"
David breathed out and closed his eyes. 'Here we go'He murmured to himself.
He opened his eyes and threw the dart and it landed perfectly on........ WTF  FRANCE.
Jayden bursted into fits of laughter.
"But... But... But I thought..." David trailed off.
"You thought it would land on Rome. You're not as good as you were before, hard luck." Jayden patted him on the back.
"Start packing, bro. Tommorrow's going to be a long day"
"Fuck off" David joked
"No need. I'm going"
"Enjoy your day. Goodbye" Jayden walked out of the apartment merrily.
"I hate this"David whispered and walked to his room to pack.

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