new love

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third person pov

Aaron then kisses y/n on the lips. and then Aaron blushes a deep."i-i'm sorry about that" still blushing red as a rose. "i-it no problem" y/n hides her blushing


third person pov

it's been a few weeks since y/n and Aaron started dating. and helped Aaron move his stuff inside of the house. y/n and aaron are getting alone very well and very happy.

kawaii-chans pov

kawaii-Chan found out something that mead her happy and fangirl a lot. she found out that Aaron-kun and y/n-sama are dating now! her otp came true! but the thing is i have a bad feeling that something bad is going to happen... uhh kawaii-Chan is glad that y/n-sama is dating Aaron-kun. Aaron-kun seamed lonely for a while. until y/n-sama came into his life. and now he's happy.

aphmau's pov

i wonder how Aaron is doing now after he moved away from mystreet? he seamed very sad once he found out that i liked garroth. "hey aphmau-senpai!" kawaii-Chan shout out to me. i wander what she want's now? "yes kawaii-Chan?" i answered her. it's maybe about cooking sweets. "have you herd the news!" kawaii-Chan asked me happily.

"no i have not? why do you ask?"i ask her back. if she is this happy then it must be one of her ship. "because Aaron-kun and y/n-sama are dating!" kawaii-Chan eeee loudly. clam down kawaii-Chan. "oh good for him.." at lest he found someone that cares about him.

~le time skip~

Aaron's pov

i'm  bored.. i wander what y/n is up to right now? oo maybe i should supersize y/n. that seems nice.  but i think i'm gonna what until after lunch. but i think she be shy after. "Aaron! lunch is really" y/n called out to me, oh it looks like it's lunch. "ok, on my way" i quickly run down to the kitchen. "i have arrived!" i say happily.

"oh it looks like someone is hungry" she giggled a little. it she seems to be in a good mood. i smile happily while looking at her, i'll do everything to protect her. "i hope you like the food" she smiles softly. i love her so much.

y/n's pov

it seems that Aaron is  in a good. i'm glad i was able to make Aaron smile and happy again."once you finishes your food, please tell me what you think"he smiled softly back. "sure thing y/n" Aaron is sweet and i care a lot for him. if anything happened to him, i would cry my eyes out and lock myself away in my room and never come out.

~le skip time because i'm lazy~

"what do you think Aaron?" i asked him and he looked up at me. "i love it! just like i love u <3" he said smirking back at me. too hot for me! >///< "really? th-thank you Aaron" i blush while my tail swaying side to side. as i wash the dishes i feel appear of strong arms rap around my waist. "y-yes Aaron? do you need something?" i asked him and he gives me a warm smile. "i like how small you are." he holds me tighter in his arms. he's so warm and gentle, like he's trying to protect me from something bad. "i love you so much" he says as i feel his lips go to my neck. "a-aaron wha-"he cut me off. "shut up and stay still" he says as he kiss my neck and then sucks on it leaving a mark. " um aaron w-why did you do that?" i say blushing hard. "so everyone knows your mine" he lets go of me and loving  smiles at me.

(srry it toke so long to finish this chapter. anyway next will be a slight of a lime, FOX OUT!)  

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