Chapter 15 - Tears

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You cried yourself to sleep that night.

Fuck. From now on it'll probably be like this every night!

You rolled in your bed trying to force yourself back to sleep... nothing. You screamed in frustration as you slammed your legs onto the bed. "Fuck this, fuck my life, fuck everything!" You screeched hoping anyone could hear you.

"Why did I have to be such an asshole when he spoke to me that day!" You strolled around your cell rethinking every action, every word. "Why am I such a bitch!"

"Oi, you shut up!" One of the guards demanded as he made his way to your cell.

"Fuck off prick, can't you tell I'm not in the mood!"

"Just grab her." He ordered to another guard who unlocked your cell and grabbed ahold of you. You were shoved out your cell and heard the metal slam shut behind you.

"What's going on?" You squeaked and you were shoved through another door into the halls.

"Didn't I tell you to shut up?" The other guard responded leading the way. As you made your way through the halls you tried to get a glance out of the windows, nobody was seen in the halls and you couldn't hear anybody talking either. "In there." The guard pointed to a door, the guard holding you seemed to tighten his grip on you.

"Are you sure? Why his room?" His room?

"Trust me, I made sure it was the right room." The guards grip softened as the other guard opened the door. You were shoved through another door but this time they let go.

"Don't leave this room, otherwise you can go back in your cell." You gulped as he shut the door. You turned around admiring the room. A desk with some papers stacked up, the lantern still on. Very clean but plain, and another door to the right of the desk.

There was one big window too, you could see all the stars glowing in contrast with the beautiful dark sky. You sighed in relief, you felt at ease considering everything that's happened. You turned around to look at the door next to the desk.

"I'm guessing they're expecting me to sleep here tonight." You walked towards the door touching the doorknob. "Please be a bedroom." You turned the knob and the inside was pitch black.

Your eyes adjusted to the darkness as you saw a bed, a double one to be exact. You quickly grabbed the lantern on the desk and made your way inside. You walked around the bed only to find a figure lying in it. You jumped back a bit feeling as if you're invading the persons privacy. "Oh god..." You held the lantern up to the person's face and your heart... stops.


You slowly sat on the edge of the bed taking in his features, the face that you once knew has matured but still as beautiful as you remembered. You leaned the lantern next to his head as you covered your mouth in disbelief your eyes shut releasing the tears that now fall onto the bed covers.

"It's really him..."

Quietly sobbing into your hand, the lantern still lighting up Levi's face. You began to feel the bed shift, you glanced over to Levi's face to see his eyes flutter open. "The fuck, why is there a light.." his eyes trail to see a dark figure looming over him. "Who the fuck are you" He quickly shot up and stared at your figure again waiting for an answer.


"Yes that's me, now show me your face brat otherwise extra cleaning duty for a whole month!"

You scoffed at his threat as you can already imagine his confused face thinking this mystery person was mocking him.

"Are you fucking laughing at me?" You quickly stopped laughing realising that he still doesn't know who you are.

"Listen Levi this-"

"For fuck sake-!" He grabbed the lantern from the bed and shoved it in your face, allowing the fire to light up your face and reveal yourself to him "W-What." His grip on the lantern released as it dropped on the bed and yet again he was staring at your dark figure.

You began to get off the bed and walk over to him but he quickly ran out the room. "Levi!"

You ran after him to see him standing at the window, his arm resting on the glass as his face looked down at the floor. "It wasn't a joke..." You slowly walked up to him touching his shoulder.

"Levi I-" Then in a heartbeat you were pulled closer, into a warm embrace, his big, strong arms seemed very protective as if you could disappear any second. You let your body sag, your muscles becoming loose. Levi didn't seem to mind though he just cradled you expressing so much love in one gesture.

You could've fell asleep right there until you felt a wetness begin to form on your back. Your eyes shot open in realisation... Levi was crying. This made you tear up also and grip on him tighter. You felt his hands shake as they caressed your head. "(Y/n)..." Levi spoke up, tickling your ear with the sudden warmth on your ear. "I've missed you so fucking much." You both broke apart at the same time and looked each other in the eyes. He studied you taking in your older form, "12 years." he muttered to himself.

"Levi, the pain it caused me to know you were alive and not be able to see you-"

"Shh.." He slowly whispered bringing his thumb up to your cheek and slowly wipe away your tears. "C'mon, you need sleep, we can catch up in the morning." You hummed and melted into his hand. He led you into his bedroom allowed you to get undressed (into your underwear not naked, gosh).

You quickly crawled under the covers and assured Levi that you were done. You couldn't see very well because it was so dark but the dip in the bed told you Levi was next to you.

You felt Levi's gaze as you faced each other in the bed."I'm scared to go to sleep just in case I wake up and this was all a dream." Levi spoke up.

"You're scared? I'm terrified." You could sense Levi smiling and you did too.

Unexpectedly, Levi's hand drifted to your hip. It settled there and pulled you closer. You inhaled sharply. You were against his warm chest, chiseled to perfection. You splayed your hand against it. Levi's breathing quickened as did yours.


He began nuzzling your neck with delicate kisses. So faint, they were whispers. Your limp body began to tremble uncontrollably. Levi's head was angled slightly to the side as his lips came closer and closer to yours. You were surprised to find your own lips parted. Your breaths mingled. Your heart fluttered inside Your chest. At first, it was a delicate kiss. Then unable to contain yourselves anymore, Levi holds your head in his hands and pulls you into a fiery and passionate kiss. Your hands work their way around Levi's body, feeling each crevasse, each line along his perfect physique.

You lie on your back as Levi matches your body's form. levi's hands venture over your body, exploring. You pull apart and open your eyes. You stare at each other, deep into each other's eyes.

(Holy shit that was emotional, and once again I'm so SO sorry for the long wait you guys. It pains me to know you had to wait that long so I decided to give you two chapters in one day! Enjoy!)

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