Laurens, I like you a lot

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Alexander Hamilton had a fucking angel for a roommate. John Laurens was the sweetest cinnamon roll ever to walk the face of the earth. Alexander had to dive right into his essay and not look at the beautiful human or he would be blinded. But when the angel asks you to go have coffee with them... well, let's just say Hamilton was feeling very bisexual.

"So, John, you start. What are some things about you? So I can get to know you better." I ask him. Peggy elbows him, though I don't know why, and he blushes. God, he's cute.

"Umm," He stutters, "I like turtles? And I hate my father." Well then.

"I don't blame you for that. Mine left when I was ten." I tell him.

"I'd rather not share..." He turns red.

"It's okay. You don't have to," I say quickly. "How about you, Peggy?" The energetic girl hasn't stopped moving this entire time.

"I'm Peggy, and I'm pansexual."

"Hi, Peggy," the rest of the table choruses.

"Very funny," She scowles, then quickly regains her bubbly mood. "I like yellow and I don't hate my father!"

"Congratulations," Angelica says sarcastically. I turn to her next, and before Peggy can say anything else, I say to her,

"You strike me as a woman who has never been satisfied." Referring back to her username, of course.

"Ha ha. My name is Angelica Schuyler. My favorite color is orange and I was Valedictorian of my class in high school. I beat Thomas Jefferson by less than one point."

"That's great, Angelica. I was also Valedictorian at my high school, but that didn't mean much where I was from. How about you, Eliza?"

"Oh, um," she looked flustered to be talking in front of everyone, "my name is Elizabeth Schuyler, but please either call me Eliza or Betsy. I am straight, slightly above average intelligence, and my favorite color is blue."

"That's great!" I smile at her. "And finally-" but I don't get to finish before Hercules jumps onto the table, shouting-


I am honestly not quite sure what to say. Thankfully, John helps me out.

"We talked about this, Herc. Get off the table."

"I will stop doing this when you stop saying 'showtime' every time I ask you what time it is." That's adorable. I stifle a laugh, which only causes John to be more embarrassed.

"Come, on Herc. It's fuuunny," he whines.

"And so is this."

"No, it's not."

"Get off of the table!"

"Fine!" He gets back down in his seat.

"Sorry about that. I promise he's usually more chill. It's just after caffeine that he acts like that," John apologizes.

"No, it's fine, really," I insist. I'm glad they can talk to me. It makes me feel included.

I've never had a group of friends before.

"Are you sure?" He asks, still looking unsure.

"Positive." I assure him.

The rest of the evening and night passes by in a blur.

Herc and the Schuylers insist on taking me shopping when they realize I didn't have many clothes.

John watches from the side, approving and disapproving the many outfits they put me in. When we finally go back to the dorm, John has to help me carry all of the bags. By the time we get it all in the closet, it's 11:30. John flops onto the bed and falls instantly asleep, but I work some more on my essay. I'm running out of time if I want to get it turned in early. I finally give up and head to bed around 3 AM, when I accidentally wake John up and he throws a stuffed turtle at my head.

My God, he's adorable. I will never get tired of seeing his face. 

A/N: should I have them confess their love soon? Well... I love suspense so... well, we'll see how it goes  

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