it's been like forever guys ☹️ ... i'm sorry for the long break but i'm so fucking shocked to come back to all of these new readers. like there's 200k+ reads in this book .. what the hell . i started this for fun and i didn't expect this at all haha . but thank you all so much for taking the time to read this , looking back on it and seeing how much i've changed and learned makes a lot of it seem so cringe to me but if y'all would like i will start back writing new parts and possibly taking new requests ? they will be a whole lot different and better because i think i've become a much better writer honestly , so if y'all are still interested i will definitely begin updating once again .
but yea since the school year's started i've been occupied with my college classes & i've had to balance that with everything else in my life , like my family , and myfriends , etc but i'm back guys .
feel free to leave suggestions and requests but i'll be sure to incorporate both twins because we all know we need an equal healthy balance of e & g ;)
- lots of love , hannah 💋