Losing a Friend

13 2 0

How could I have been so stupid?
What was going through my mind?
Why did I ever do it?
It's cost me my own life...

I see bits and pieces
But the rest is broken glass
Like the night I lost my life
That is now part of the past.

I was in the E.R
With I.V in my wrist
As I squinted I asked,
"What did I miss?"

I tried to speak again
But my heart started to slow
Then I wander into space
With nowhere to go.

The doctors give up and hold hands tight
Praying that my young soul will somehow find the light
They all sit and wait
For the flatline
That determines the end
of my life.

A tear rolls down my cold cheeks
My body feels numb and weak
I try to hold on a moment longer
But the pain is getting stronger

I close my eyes
And try to dream
Of something with peace and tranquility
I keep my eyes closed and take my last breath
While a doctor sullenly pronounces my death
My dream is interrupted by a sound
That over everything else
Seems so loud....    

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