Chapter 4: Qismat

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Destiny (Qismat) is something we all try to control, even though we know it's not in our hands. I tried to control my destiny (qismat), but it only led to my demise. Maybe that's why I decided to write and take the destiny (qismat) of my characters in my own head.

A cold gentle wind blew against Swara's face as she waited for the night to pass. Sanskar had told her he would meet her later, but he hasn't arrived since his friend Sanchi arrived today. But Swara was ready to wait, after all, what had happened last night wasn't enough to be summed up in few words. Swara placed her hand on her beating heart as she remembered Sanskar's touch on her. She couldn't see, yet she could feel her world in him.

Swara's cheeks flushed pink as she recalled the night before with Sanskar.

"Swara. Swara." a voice woke Swara up from her thoughts as she felt Mother Candice's hand on her shoulder. Swara turned around as she took Mother Candice's hand in her hand.

"Mother Candice, what brings you here?" Swara questioned.

"Does a mother need a reason to see her child." Mother Candice said as she placed a kiss on Swara's forehead. But as she looked at Swara again she felt as if her little girl was gone and a lady was standing in front of her. There was something different about Swara. However, Mother Candice brushed that thought away from her head. "Swara child, how are you feeling today? I had come by your room last night, but you weren't in your room." Swara's cheek flushed red in embarrassment.

"Um..I was strolling on the lawn last night Mother Candice, maybe that's when you came by my room." Swara lied. She hated lying especially to her Mother Candice. Swara smiled and looked away.

"Okay then my child. I will be going to bed too. You should sleep dear and don't go walking out that late by yourself, even if it's the lawn." Mother Candice said as she began to leave. She stopped by the doorway and watched Swara once again as Swara was lost in some other thought. "Christ, please have your mercy on that child." Mother Candice whispered as she kissed the cross around her neck, then left the room.

Swara held on to the pillar of her bed and smiled to herself. She was in love, she was in love with her angel. She closed her eyes and prayed to God, "Forgive for my sin, my lord. But please make my angel mine." She closed her eyes.


On the other side in a small cottage, Sanskar Maheshwari sat in his sofa facing his childhood friend, Sanchi. Sanchi was making a drink for herself and Sanskar. Sanchi saw Sanskar was lost in other thoughts and she decided its time she lets her plan to work. When Sanskar wasn't looking, Sanchi sneakily opened her ring which contained some sort of powder and slipped it in the drink. She then handed the drink to Sanskar. Sanskar looked at the drink unaware what his friend has done. Sanskar rejects the drink thinking about what he has done last night.

"No Sanchi, I don't feel like drinking," Sanskar said as he pushed the glass away. Sanchi sat on Sanskar's lap as the dress she wore revealed her long legs.

"Come on Sanskar, just one drink. Man you used to be so much fun before. What happened to you?" Sanchi said as she traced Sanskar's cheeks.

"Sanchi, stop. I am not in the mood for your old silly games." Sanskar got up from his seat as he removed Sanchi off of him. There was a time before Ragini, that Sanskar and Sanchi had history, but now he thought of nothing more than a friend.

"Okay fine Mr. Devdas. But one drink won't do any harm." Sanchi said. Deep down Sanchi hated Ragini, because Ragini took Sanskar from him. She wanted him more than a friend. "Please Sanskar, for me." Sanchi said as she made puppy dog eyes at Sanskar.

" Sanchi said as she made puppy dog eyes at Sanskar

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