I gots a few announcements for y'all.
1. The trickster comic: I made date to when I will start working on it again. I do not have a release date exactly but I'll get back to you guys on that. But I will be reopening the trickster contest if you don't know that is that is basically where you take your persona or yourself and you make yourself a trickster. There are few rules that is but I'll explain that later. I am re-opening the contest because I only had two people enter and I realize that maybe I should've extended the date a bit more give you guys a bit more time. So that is what I'll be doing you guys have until 9 June to have your trickster submitted because that is when I'll be restarting comic again.
The rules (these are the official rules)
1. Your trickster r has to have a somewhat simple design they can have a very crazy design as that is going to be hard to keep all re-drawing in the comic
2. Please include a bio of how they became a trickster how they act and any little habits that they may have. This will be helpful for when I am having your character interact with others and also I'm going to be asking you guys a lot of questions about how to act just for like certain situations like oh no you're trickster was stuck on a deserted island with this trickster how would they how would they react that person.
3. tiny details I'm going to be asking if you put a swirl on the cheek or if you don't want to, just tell me the color and I need to know the color of their eyes this is very important and I need to know the candies. The candies could be anything it could be popcorn for example if not that's on candy. To ensure that your character has an original treat or candy here the candy/treats that of already been taken; The chocolate milkshake, a pumpkin spice latte, Sour watermelon candy, French toast, bubblegum, a doughnut, and strawberries and cream.
4. Don't stress over the design too much. It's OK if the design is it how you imagined it the first time as long as you have something that you feel that you can be content with having a comic that is fine if you want me to change something because you couldn't then tell me because it is your character not just mine.
5. Have fun. I making a comment because it was fun to do the initial three pages and I want this, to be fun for everybody so if you feel like making a character and have them go through the entire process doesn't sound like a lot of fun do you can you don't have to do it. And if you want to even just help out with the comic you can give me suggestions in the comments section of the comic. This comic is supposed to be a community thing, anyone can enter ideas and anyone can enter their trickster.2. Commissions
So I've been contemplating for a very long time on whether or not to do commissions now I obviously don't do digital art so I can't make Did you know commissions but I can make additional commissions. Right now I'm only doing kind of local commissions because I don't have a. Don't have a PayPal, b. I would need to know your address and I am Pretty sure that a lot of you don't want me knowing your address. But if you guys are interested in commissions please tell me I would like to know so I can make official prices and have it official way of mailing these to you. One way would be an email you would email me your address, and after I send you your package or your commission whatever I would delete email make sure I do not have any access after the transaction to your address because I understand that that's a personal thing and you don't want some 14-year-old on the Internet to know that. And example of prices would be five dollars for a small watercolor piece , $10 for a color to bust, and 15 for a fully drawn piece meaning fully colored up to three characters with the background.Here is a commission I'm working on right now for a friend but I'm still charging them the five dollars for this and the $10 for another piece that they wanted. I'll give y'all the information if you are interested.