Chapter Sixteen: Trying To Handle It

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A Few Days Later at School...

*Jimin gets a text as he's walking to his locker...*


Jin: "Meet me in the locker room before class."

*Jimin gulps and makes his way to the gym. As he's walking to the gym he's being really cautious. He keeps looking around making sure Tae and Kookie aren't around. As he walks into the locker room he immediately gets nervous*

Jimin: "Hello..?" *He says nervously*

*The sound of pure silence started to freak Jimin out. Until suddenly he felt someone pull him and push against the door...*

Jin: "Took you long enough..." *He says as he smirks at him*

Jimin: *Gulps* "Jin..."

*Before he could finish his sentence Jin immediately planted his lips on Jimin's. He slid his hands along both sides of Jimin's neck as he sensually swirled his tongue around in Jimin's mouth. Jimin felt guilty but he couldn't deny the passion he felt coursing through his body....*

Jimin: "Jin..." *Says while breathing heavily* "What am I doing???"

Jin: "Too much talking..." *He says as he begins kissing Jimin's neck*

Jimin: "This is wrong...we shouldn't be doing this..."

*Jin stops and and whispers in his ear...*

Jin: "Was it wrong last night? Or the night before that?"

*Jimin just looks down at the floor sulking...*

Jin: "Jimin look, I know this is hard right now. But we can't control how we feel. I know you love NamJoon but..." *he sweeps Jimin's hair out of his face* "I know you love me too..." *He sweetly kisses him* "We deserve to be together. We are supposed to be together..."

Jimin: "We can't keep doing's wrong..."

Jin: "It might be wrong...." *He slides his hand down to Jimin's belt buckle* "But it feels..." *He adds more pressure making Jimin gasp* "So right..."

20 Minutes Later...

*Jimin literally does the walk of shame into class late*

Teacher: "Oh, nice of you to make it Park Jimin."

Jimin: *Hands him a tardy slip* "I um...missed the bus. Sorry."

Teacher: "Fine. Take your seat and catch up."

*As Jimin takes his seat in front of Tae. He can feel Tae starring at the back of his head*

Teacher: "Alright class you have 15 minutes left, work with a partner to finish your packet. I want them on my desk after class."

*Jimin turns around and faces Tae*

Jimin: "What are you doing???"

Tae: "What are YOU doing?"

Jimin: "Excuse me? Your the one staring at me, I can feel it..."

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