Chapter Twelve: I Don't Know...

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The Following Morning...

*NamJoon literally couldn't sleep all night. He tried not to be bothered but all he could think about was Jin calling Jimin so late. It seemed weird like Jin was too comfortable doing it...but suddenly NamJoon sees a text on his phone*


Isabella: "Hey NamJoon, just wondering what time you want to get together tomorrow for us to work on some things for our project?"

*NamJoon hesitates. As he hesitates...Isabella sends him another text*


Isabella: "Hey NamJoon, just wondering what time you want to get together tomorrow for us to work on some things for our project?"

Isabella: "Or can I come over today? We can work on it this afternoon?"

NamJoon: "That's not a good idea..."

Isabella: "NamJoon I know you prefer us to work on our project separately but we'll get it done faster together. It's not like anything will happen between us."

NamJoon: "That's not the problem. Jimin is here and if you come over while he's here he'll flip out."

Isabella: "I get it. I could also just come over later tonight when he leaves. Then he'll never know."

*He hesitates...*

NamJoon: "...Fine. After Jimin leaves though. I'll text you and let you know when. You can't come here though, I'll come to you. Just don't tell anybody, I don't want Jimin or anybody making it a big deal."

Isabella: "Of course. Does 7pm work?"

NamJoon: "Yeah."

Isabella: "Great. See you later ☺️☺️"

*NamJoon knows he will be in deep shit if Jimin finds out about this but he and Isabella do need to work on their project together. He also wants to make sure that no one knows about this. Not even Yoongi and Hobi. This is a risky plan but he feels that it's necessary. Suddenly Jimin woke up and stretched. As he stretched NamJoon quickly put his phone under his pillow*

NamJoon: "H-hey...good morning." *He says nervously*

Jimin: "Good morning." *He smiles*

NamJoon: "How did you sleep?"

Jimin: "Like a baby, thanks to you." *He says as he cuddles up closer to him*

*As Jimin gets closer to him he can tell NamJoon is a bit uneasy...*

Jimin: "What's wrong? Are you ok?"

NamJoon: "Y-yeah. I'm fine..."

*Jimin is still unconvinced. So he just gets up and heads into NamJoon's bathroom and brushes his teeth. After he's done he comes back out and noticed NamJoon staring off into space. He looked a bit distracted...*

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