Chapter 3- My Boss Is Corrupt

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“Summer, the job isn’t here in’s in...England”

Summer felt her body go weak and the colour from her face drained. She had not thought about England for a long time the thought of it made her feel sick. Summer looked at her husband’s face which was etched with concern, she knew if she said no he wouldn’t mention it again.

Liam had never seen Summer look so vulnerable, he felt awful he knew what tragedies she had been through there, and now he was suggesting that they should move there.

Neither of the two knew what to say to each other so they remained silent. Then Liam sighed and pulled Summer close to him and held her in a tight embrace, he ran his fingers through her soft and silky hair.

“I’m sorry Summer” he murmured softly into her hair after a while, but when he moved the strands of hair covering her face he saw that she had fallen asleep with a few dry tears on her cheeks.


(Chapter 3)

When Summer woke the next morning she had a headache, she then realised that she had fallen asleep in Liam’s arms, one of his arms was wrapped around her waist and the other was weaved through her hair.

Summer tried to get up without waking him but she was unsuccessful, his eyes shot open as she accidentally jabbed him in the stomach with her elbow. Summer remained in her position and didn’t move, she wasn’t sure if he was mad about last night. She felt his arms tighten around her waist and pull her up. Summer decided he was not happy, so she rolled herself off the bed in attempt to make her way to the bathroom.

“Summer?” Liam called from the bed. Summer turned to look at him as she did so she saw his tanned body and his muscles rippling in his torso. She realised that she was blushing and she quickly looked up to his face.

“Yes?” she said.

Liam looked back at her with an amused look “why did you get up?” he asked.

“I thought you were still mad...” she trailed off, mentally telling herself off for bringing the topic up first thing in the morning.

But Liam’s expression softened “No...I was never mad” he said quietly “come back here” he said smiling at her.

Summer didn’t need to be asked twice she practically raced on to the bed to cling to the love and warmth that was radiating off his body. She shivered as his fingers traced patterns on her back.

“I love you Summer” Liam said.

Summer laughed for no apparent reason and looked up to meet his eyes “I love you too” she said.

“you know what?” she said.

“what?” he asked his eyes smiling.

“You should take the job” she told him

Liam frowned slightly “Summer I wasn’t mad last night at all, you don’t get mad at things like that especially at someone you love more than anything”

He spoke with such fierceness that Summer felt butterflies flying around in her stomach.


“Summer look, the most important thing to me is that I’m with you, Ava, Cayden and Lilly and as long as I have a job its fine”

Summer felt a warm glow in her heart and she hugged her husband, then  cries came from the little room next to theirs.

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