Chapter 5- First Impressions Do Count

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A lot of people point out grammar mistakes, I do appreciate that but I’m not trying to write a novel here, I’m writing for fun purely nothing serious so please don’t tell me about them!!,..when I finish the story I might get an editor but until then I don’t really care!!!!

Soooo anyway this story finally reached over 100 votes thanks to you lovely people :) please continue to vote and comment :)




“So what do you think?” Liam asked Summer as they settled themselves on the king bed.

“’s alright quite nice I guess...” she trailed off as a million thoughts invaded her mind.

“Well goodnight then” Liam said before he slid down under the covers.

“Yeah goodnight” Summer said quietly.


Chapter 5

The moon had vanished and the winter sun had descended, Summer knew it was morning before she opened her eyes, but she felt too tired to get up. Besides her little alarm clock hadn’t rung, so she could fall back asleep for a while, she cuddled up against her husband and fell asleep.

“Mummy! Daddy!” Ava said loudly attempting to wake her parents.

Liam sat up rubbing his eyes and turned to face the little girl “Ava! What’s the matter?” he asked.

“Look, its eight o’clock, mummy said we need to get up at seven on Monday, so we’re late” she said scrunching her little face up.

“It’s ok, we won’t be late, quickly wake your mother I’ll go and get Cayden” Liam said heading for the door.

As he walked out of the room he realised the reason he hadn’t woken until then was because the little alarm clock hadn’t rung. He decided to go and check on her first; he pushed her door open and found her lying wide awake staring up at the ceiling. He walked over to her and smiled down at her; she laughed upon seeing his face and put her arms out to him, so that he’d pick her up.

“Come on little Lilly- Mae, let’s go and wake Cayden” Liam said taking her out of the cot.

Liam walked down the stairs holding a bright and alert Lilly and a sleepy Cayden. Downstairs he found Summer running around frantically.

“Summer! What are you doing?” Liam asked her frowning at her morning antics.

“I’m trying to get ready!” she said impatiently. Then she noticed the three of them all ready and she gave Liam a pointed glare.

“My shoes! My shoes!” Ava shouted running around panicking.

Liam held a laugh; it still scared him at how much she was like her mother.

“We’ll be waiting in the car” he said grabbing the keys and taking Cayden and Lilly to the car.

“They beat us Mummy” Ava said pouting.

Summer scowled at the door “We’ll get them tomorrow”

“Daddy nearly always wins, I want to be on his team” Ava said.

“Ava come on before we really get late” Summer said grabbing Ava’s bags and opening the front door.

As Summer sat down she began to wonder why on earth they had ever started these races, Ava was right though, Liam always did win and he didn’t half boast about it.

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