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The picture was a large brown door with iron bars that  stood brightly under the bold heading, The Hidden Door. It looked and seemed  the same as the one my grandma was talking about, the one where my parents had died.

I was shaken out of my thoughts by Lucas who was nudging me in the ribs. I realized that the class was done with the star jumps and hops  and began to start  my stretches. I bent over reaching towards my toes, my back feeling a good stretch.

I drooped down into a back bend, Lucas staring at me from the other side. Megan's giant, hoop earrings hung off her large pink ears as she forced herself into some sort of a bend. I eyed her with a nasty glance and quickly looked away without her noticing.

I impatiently survived through our mornings load of work before we could finally get the rest of the day off,  before our final class in the evening.

I strolled out of the room, and pulled Lucas to  an opening beside the side lamps that were covered in several cobwebs.

"I saw something familiar," I started "something related to the wooden door. It was on Mr Fillet's book that he was reading during class."

"He was, oh ye he was too. So now what?

"We need to go and get it, we need to figure out whats lying behind all this. What's really happened when my parents left to go for there work. So listen, we have  the whole weekend to get that book before we go to camp on Monday. He probably keeps it with him in the staff room or where he sleeps, so we need to get inside and quickly look at what is in there, rip out important pages and come out, when there is absolutely no sign of any teacher," I continued.

"OK, so we practically need to find out a time when the teachers will not be in the staff room. I reckon the best time is during class. We'll have to think of an excuse to get out and then sneak up and do it," he squeaked.

"Exactly, we have music class this evening, so we should probably do it then. I'll make an excuse and then you should , and we'll meet at the staircase where we can get along with the plan." I whispered

"Lucas, I owe you one, your kindness, and positive attitude has really stepped me up. I do hope you really want to be friends with a person like me."
"Courtney, I wouldn't have been with you at this moment, at this time if I didn't want to be your friend. I am definitely going to have a great time breaking school rules, let's do this," he chuckled and I followed him towards the table where we played cards.

It was now 5:25 and I was heading down with Lucas to music, my small recorder clasped in my hand.

As we entered into the room Miss Gong was perched on the side of a small table. She told us to stand into our positions and asked us all to play our part of the song whenever she pointed at us.

"Let's begin shall we," she said, her voice an awfully high tone. "Bianca off you go, start with the cymbals,"

Bianca started playing and within seconds the loud noise of the symbols was relieved by the playing of my recorder and the bongo drums played by Lucas giving a rhythmic beat.

Once the practice bit of the class was complete we sat down ready to listen to different techniques and the history relating to music.

My hand flung up at that instant and I put a sick feeling on my face. "Miss I'm not feeling well," I cried looking over to Lucas who gave a thumbs up.

"You may go to sick bay Miss Hales, rest in there until your better," she said with a concerned look.

I lifted myself and walked slowly out of the classroom and towards the wooden stair case that stood lonely beside the walls that were scratched and peeled.

I heard footsteps in the distance. Lucas emerged and ran near me. "What did you say to the teacher," I asked.
"I told her that I wanted to go and check if u have safely reached there, but instead she told me to stay with you, which means we have as much time as we need," he spoke

"Great, well part A worked," We tiptoed up the stairs, careful not to make a sound and stopped before the door which had a red sign-staff only. I gave the door a little push and it creaked open.
"Yes it's open,"
We walked inside seeking to make sure no teacher was in there. Placed on the end of the long, rectangular table was the book next to a tall, turquoise mug and a bunch of magazines. I reached out, my hands trembling as the silence  continued. My heart was racing as I opened the leather cover, the first two pages were empty and third was ripped. As I flicked through the rest of the book, the faded ink on one of the pages caught my attention. Lucas came over and we hurriedly read what it said-

Hidden among the endless forest an answer lies within,

A hunt that will take you beyond your limits where it will be harder than its been.

A black  flame will cross you before you realize that its there,

Even water is no use to extinguish a flame so unfamiliar and rare.

The writing stopped. I looked up, "A flame that cannot be extinguished, that's strange," I carefully tore the page out. The next page had a drawing of the door, which I also took. I gave a side wards glance towards the door and quickly, rushed out of the room, the papers clutched tightly in my hand. Lucas advised me to go and put the papers in my room.

I pulled a small, silver key out of my pocket and opened the oak door. I scrambled inside and placed the papers in my drawer under a pile of old books.

We headed back to class in a successive mood. As we reached towards the door I put on a pale face. "May we come in Miss?" I asked. "Yes, Miss Hales, how are you now, any better?" "I feel a bit better, still got a slight head ache, but didn't want to miss class,"

I sat down and saw the time, there were ten minutes till the end of the period. I listened to the blabber until the class had finally ended. I went to the hall and gulped down my cold soup, Lucas staring at me with his bushy eyebrows raised.

I headed back towards my room and jumped onto my bed, pulling my blanket over me. I read the note and stared at the rough drawing over and over beside my small, candle lit lamp that lit the dark room. My mind was filling with a load of confusion and excitement.

I lay in bed searching for an answer, fidgeting with the notes, but I was clueless.

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