prom and goodnight kiss from a dog part 3

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Soul pov.
As Maka started to lean in to kiss me stupid freaking Callum jumped in front of Maka right before we were about to kiss and licked me I mean are you freaking kidding me I was just about to kiss Maka and the stupid f****** dog had to ruin it with that Maka got up off of my lap put Callum on the floor and kiss me on the nose night sowle sorry Callum took your kiss she said well blowing a kiss at me and going to room when Maka finally close hrr door I looked at Callum and gave him a death glare I guess you understood what he did cuz he cowered into a ball and went on his back showing his belly and fetal position as if wanting me to give him sympathy but instead I walked right over him and went to my room and close the door stupid ass dog almost got to kiss I could get one tomorrow I thought to myself as I went to sleep with that is my last thought

The next morning I woke up and have the sudden urge to use my vape so I got up and went to my drawer to get it out and started smoking yet since I thought Maka was asleep I went to sit on the couch but before I got there I saw Maka sitting in the doorway looking at me s*** I never told Maka that I've vaped I thought to myself is Maka looked at me with the slight smirk on her face wait why she smirking Maka I said with a confused look yeah sowle Maka said looking at me for the innocent face um before we become you know a couple there's some things I got to get off my chest I said to her oh okay so Maka says come sit with me next to the couch there's some things I need to tell you to Maka said adding the seat next to her on the couch well Marcus really, about this um okay so do you want me to go for a star do you you can go first so Maka said with a sweet smile OK Maka I said with a nervous look so there's three things I didn't tell you number one is I Vape second I used to smoke and third if you want to meet my parents I'm totally cool with that but just know we're not the best of a family I ran away from them to get away from them my mother expects high expectations from everything that's why I left I ran away I'm from a prestigious Evans Family you might know my brother Wes Evans famous violinist my mom Kate Evans one of the best opera singers in the world and my dad James Evans song writer I said looking down this was it this is one Maka was about to dump me and it was only the first day of us being a couple I just knew it she she can't accept a messed up broken record like me no one can but then I felt two arms wrapped around me and I heard Maka sweet voice tell me it's okay so I think it's pretty cool having the guts to run away like that and to be completely honest I think guys who smoke and vape are pretty hot so don't worry and with that Maka kiss me actually kiss me not on the cheek not on the nose in the lips and then said so are you  ready to get my screw up backstory Maka said of The Cheeky smile as all I could do was nod okay then first of all I've tried more than once to run away from my past my life was in all of his where Dad to be me and Black start more like me and my brother felt like orphans around home sure I actually came for my parents and Blackstar  was adopted but we felt like orphans and I actually came for my parents my father said he loved me but I could tell he never loved us he never cared for us he was always somewhere else my mom was sick she suffered from severe depression cancer and low blood sugar she was also anorexic no one noticed anything was wrong with her so I spent on the fake smile saying she was okay that she was happy one day my dad was crying and saying to my mom that he was sorry he was sorry he didn't we didn't know what he's talking about until he yelled I'm sorry I got her pregnant when all the pieces fit together that night we heard a gunshot come from our mother's room when we ran up to her room we saw our mother dead on the ground she took her own life I broke both me and black star as we watched are mom die on the ground a few years went by are dad started to drink more but not because of the pain he didn't have a pain anymore he was addicted to it he loved it the first night I decided to run away  when my dad came back and he pulled me by the hair and said I was his toy I was scared black star ran up to my father picked up his baseball bat and hit him over the head he started running with me we were running out the house but before we can finish our dad had calling the police the police have found us and took us back to her dad he locked us in the room he would only see the scraps of his food it was hard we finally got better when the dad was sent to jail and we had to live with her aunt unfortunately my dad came out he didn't blame us for what he did he try to be a better man of course he still drunk and stuff but he tried to be better I was happy but then then we moved to Japan people had heard about how my mom had killed herself they started calling me Miss suicidal after my mother and calling Black Star the bloody murder they blamed him for what happened to my mother they said I was the next one to die telling me you know all the women in the album group are too mentally unstable to live I started to believe them I wanted to die but I knew if I did that I would break my brother Blackstar had nothing except for me I didn't want to break in like that so I stay by your side no matter what he was a hard life sure we had a dad but her dad did nothing to help us our dad didn't realize how Broken we  wet  one day I was so sad I pulled out a razor and something just came over me I took the razor to my wrist and started hacking my own skin black star came into the room pull the razor out and cry them to me saying he was sorry that it was his fault that I was doing this I cried 4 years until I finally got over it I became a goth I tried to scare people I got into fights my scars finally healed I promised myself I would never cut again for Black Star instead I started taking pills I became anorexic that year was one of the hardest years for me I start getting skinnier people found out about it I healed I recovered but and never change soon blackstar got sent to the DWMA I couldn't go with him because I was still healing so I had to stay in Japan for another year I worked hard I block people out when I finally was recovered me and my dad got deported out of Japan and we came here and Now I guess you know the rest living with my boyfriend in my apartment telling him I screwed up my life was and probably not going to have a boyfriend for much longer after mala finish she stayed silent I could see the tears in her eyes I wanted to cry myself so I hugged her said reassuring words Maka broke down into tears in my shoulder it broke me will the pain Walker suffer through and I thought my life was bad Maka I told her in a whisper voice yes so she whimpered I'm not going to leave you I love you too much to leave you I want to be your boyfriend even if you life is all screwed up I want to be with you I love you Maka I said I love you too soul  I Heard a Voice but I knew it was Maka and with that she passed out in my arms and soon me falling right behind her into a deep slumber

Hey sorry guys if this was a little depressing in this story I decided that Maka and soul would have more in common if their life was depressing and if you watch the anime you would see that Maka only wears long sleeves have you ever thought why she wears son ever thought of her being a cuter to be truly honest I've always seen her as kind of person who would act strong and be brave that's her character is you know but deep down she's broken she's torn from her family her pain I just that's how I feel it would be actually I've been going through a little bit of depression myself with a lot of my family dying I feel pain I act happy a lot of the time but it's hard I got bullied a lot and school it broke me and made me feel ugly unwanted but they don't belong still feel that way I don't like it but it's there always be there sincerely me my lovelies

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