happy birthday akame

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Maka pov

Im so excited today is akame's birthday  he is turnig 1 today soul and the kids were still asleep it was about 3 in the morning so of course the kids and soul wouldn't be up for another hour I decided I would make akame's favorite pancakes blueberry I started to get the batter and the blueberries out of the fridge and the cupboard when I felt a small hand touch my leg as I looked down to see my baby girl Ash in one of my shirts looking up at me with big eyes of curiosity

what is it Ash I asked in a sweet voice  "can I help you Mommy "Ash said begging on the ground as all I did was chuckle at her adorableness as I picked her up and sat her down on the counter putting the batter and the blueberries in front of her as she grabbed the blueberries with her small fragile hands and dump them into the batter mix and started a mix up so batter in the bowl as I made eggs "mommy I'm done mixing the batter "she said holding the bowl to me as I turned on the pan and dropped the better on to it making the pancakes I just went on for a while once I had find me about 13 pancakes I finish with making one more and putting it on the top of and saying them on the counter as Ash jumped off the counter and put her arms out and ran across the living room as if she was a airplane making vroom vroom sounds and running into me and Soul's bedroom as I followed her as I watched her slowly sneak up right next to soul as her face was inches from his nose and she climbed onto the bed and got ready to jump as she counted to three with her small little fingers on three she jumped up into the air saying DAAAAAAAAAAADDDYYY WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And landing on Soul's stomach making him wake up is he coughed clutching his stomach WHAT THE HEL- Soul said cutting himself off realizing it was his daughter" oooooohh daddy said a bad word" ash said  ponting her fragile finger at her father

Soul pov

I was just having  one of the best wet draems of maka when I felt somthing make impact  with my stomach I shot up out of bed what the hel- I cut myself of seeing it was my daughter as she ponted at me "ooooooohh daddy said a bad word "as I grabed a pillow and covered my erection as maka looked at  where I put the pillow and smiled" hey ash why dont you wake up youer brother "she said covering for me "ok mommy"ash said runig into her and grays room you know soul you realy should keep it in youer pants she says and walks up to me kissing me on the head and walking out of the room as she calls back get ready breakfast is already made as I got dressed and fixed my little problem with a cold shower

Ash pov

Daddy had just coming out of his room to come and eat breakfast with us mommy was sitting next to Daddy I was sitting next to Mommy gray was sitting next to Daddy and akame was sitting next to me Daddy daddy guess what I made the pancakes I did it all by myself with no help  all mommy  did was cook them I said to Daddy as he gave me a smile good job Ash and 8 my delicious pancakes so gray are you going to help akame open his presents mommy asked gray gray well I was thinking that since Ash isn't week anymore that she could help but maybe she still is week cuz you know girls don't have strong bones right Mommy gray gray said as a punched him in the arm owwww mommy Ashley punched me gray gray said well now you know I'm not weak I screamed giving him the stinky eye

Maka pov

Ashley had just punch Gray I know I shouldn't be laughing but have you seen siblings when they fight is ridiculously funny I looked over at akame and saw he was about to cry I looked back over to Ashley and gray seeing they were now having a good time and eating oh while  akame was kind of just staring at this food with total and other discus as I picked him up and walked into his Nursery  and put him in his baby gym

As he played with it as I wached him with a smile on my face when I felt a slite tap on my should turning around to see soul standing there with a mischievous grin "I told ash and gray too go and play so maby we coul work on a forth gremlin " he said tracing his tongue on my neck as akame just watches as a blush formes on my checks soul room now I say as I pick up akame and put him in his crib

Soul pov

I was siting in me and makas room as maka walked in closing the door and taking of her shirt and bra and climing on my lap and kissing me forcefully as I leand back [ sorry pervs but no lemon for you ] AAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD llllets just say akame is going to be a big brother happy birthday akame!!!!!!!!!!!!

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