Part 15

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It got to 6.30 and I was beginning to think Aston had forgot about ringing me. I was contemplating whether to ring him or not. Maybe thats what he meant for me to ring him at 6 but what if I rang him now and he tried to ring me and we wouldn't be able to get through to eachother. I waited a bit longer and it reached 7.30. I gave up all hope of having a phonecall from Aston now he had most likely forgotten and in a way I felt slightly down hearted. My apartment phone then buzzed. Great...who was this. I went over to the phone and pressed the button

'Yes?' I questioned down the phone.

'Hello to you too,I've brought chips you hungry?' chimed Astons cheeky voice.

I suddenly felt that happiness run through me again,he actually did want to see me.

'Ok,come up' I replied.

My rejected mood had suddenly lifted and now I realised he had told me he would ring me at 6 because he knew that then I would not make myself busy and I would stay in and he left it late because he knew that I would then not be bothered to go out. Well thats what my theory was. Considering we had only met twice(three including the time I was a fan) we had,had pretty indepth conversations and he knew most of my ways and likes and dislikes already. I obviously already knew his too,from when I was a fan.

The doorbell went,I went over to let Aston in.

Thats part 15:-) tweet and comment opinions and ideas please:-) and if you want to be tagged in further parts just tweet me @TrueAstonFans and if you want to be untagged from furter parts tweet me,I dont mind:-)

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