Part 18

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The week went on as usual I went to work,Aston went to the studio,we'd text during the day and we'd usually see eachother at night whether it was me going round to his or him coming round to mine. However on the Friday I got a text slightly different to the ones I had been recieving. It read Morning babe,hope your okay? Do you have any plans for the weekend?:)xxxx I replied as soon as I could with Morning,I'm good thankyou,you?:-)&nooo,I don't think so,why?:-)xxxxxI thought to myself and wondered why he wanted to know whether I had plans at the weekend or not. I sat down and began to read the late issue of STAR that had been left on the coffee table at work. I began flicking through the pages and then my phone buzzed again. It was Aston. Good;p be ready for 8 tonight and have a bag ready with overnight and daytime stuff,well whatever stuff you pack;p and be ready and I'll pick you up but no questions as there will be no ansaaa's;pxxxx I felt the smile spread across my face whereever we were going I didn't care,Aston wanted to spend a weekend with me. One problem I hated surprises. Well I didn't mind them its just when I get a little hint I want to know everything. However by the looks of it,it seems I would have to wait as there would be "no questions as there will be no ansaaa's".

Thats it for Part 18,tweet or comment opinions:-)&if you want to be tagged or untagged in further parts just ask on our twitter @TrueAstonFans :-)

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