July Reading List 2014

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So I decided to check how many books I am reading in a month. There are times when I go on a "reading spree", and end up reading books back to back, over and above my normal.

Anyhow, last month I think I managed to read almost 3-4 different series,  each with three to seven books. It is almost turning into a disease now (?). Hence this list.

Now, Rules!! Very important to have these, or else never will this journal/journey get written in time. This should turn out to be, if nothing else,  a fun way to pass time. So here goes :

1) Mention whether a book read on Wattpad or elsewhere.

2) Re - reads, if not in the same month, will be counted as separate.

3) Wattpad writer, if the book leaves an impression,  should receive a dedication.  After all,  they shared their brilliance, a little mention will go a long way to motivate them to update more (diabolical or what?!)

4) This isn't a Goodreads list, but if you want to mention something about the other books, please do.

5) Also, since this will be a public document,  anyone and everyone who sees this and wants to add a comment or in general,  share anything,  they are most welcome to do so. A personal message or leaving a comment,  any of these methods is acceptable.

Alright, so here I go.

Reading List 2014 JulyWhere stories live. Discover now