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The dragon lol even more confused that he already was but decided to talk back. On the dragon language, which is what Maja had just spoke, it is rude not to reply.
"Who are you?" He spoke in a smooth tone-one which Maja recognised immediately.
"I am Maja, who are you?" Asked Maja politely, because she knew how important it would be to this dragon in particular.
"Don't you remember me? I am Regis your dragon. You remember the old tongue but I guess you don't remember me, at least you do a little or you would have run off a while ago," he said in a disappointed but wise tone.
"Ok well how do I know you Regis," she said with an emphasis on the name. She knew this would annoy him a lot and decided they this would get a good laugh. He looked at her and sighed. This was not the response she wanted.
"I was your brother in your old life, one that ended too soon. You were my sister and our mother died saving you from the hunters - a group of rouge fairy's that crave dragon meat and take our hide to the market to gain a great profit. We are hated by many things, Maja - Cobobla-fairy, goblins and most of all Elves. Oh they hate us! But you were young and foolish and wandered-away from the cave," Regis sighed. He looked at the mountain and let his eyes wander over the ridges. Maja could see the pain welling up in his golden eyes and she felt sorry for him immediately, feeling the guilt that had taken her an entire lifetime to demolish. It took her like a tidal wave and knocked all the breath out of her. Suddenly she didn't feel young at all, she didn't feel like she was 7 but she felt like she was old-ancient in fact. She felt like all the world was on her shoulders and all she could do is stand and watch as the world fell apart. Slowly, a small tear began to roll down her pail cheek. She felt alone until Regis bent down and muzzled her in the face with a surprisingly soft muzzle. 'Almost like velvet' she thought and he stared her in the eye.
"Yes well I do take care with that bit of my skin, very sensitive if you know what I mean," he said and she just stared at him in utter astonishment. Then it tugged at the back of her mind that Regis was special and could read her mind. A trait that she found quite annoying when she was his brother and had suffered the intolerable nagging and teasing that came with the job. But she laughed and so did he.
A minuet went by and all was still. Suddenly Regis look very stern and focused at Maja, who was still trying to remember everything about herself because remembering fact from another life messes with you head. She noticed him and opened her mouth to ask what was wrong, when he beat her to it. His words were shocking and Maja just didn't understand.
"We need you to change, to come home for all of us have been looking for you and we need you. I need you. This is the war that all of time has been waiting for, planning for and dreading. You decided the fate of everything rested on you choice that you take right now. So will you change? Change for the war!" He was  now showing and his booming voice was so loud her eardrums were screaming in agony.
"What do you mean!" She yelled at the top of her lungs and when it came out it was surprisingly loud, louder than Regis's booming voice.
Maja stopped and stared, feeling her throat to see if something changed. No nothing was different.But it made her think about what he had said. Change? That couldn't possibly mean becoming one of them. Becoming the dragon that she say before her. She looked. She haven't noticed it before but Regis was not in the best condition. 3 of his 4 powerful legs were covered in scratches and  they had a couple of scales missing. Large clumps of skin were healing, red and raw, running all down his back where the spinal scales stuck out with bites missing in them. His forked tail was scorched and black and his face had a great gash down the front of it, nearly missing his beautiful gold eyes. Even they were weary and they told a tale about the battle that was already raging in the North. He dropped is gaze, somewhat embarrassed that he was almost as defeated in the battle of late.
" I am sorry," he sighed " I disobeyed you once you died." He scanned the floor, not daring to look to meet Maja's stare. The dragon sat on this tail and hung his head in shame. Maja walked up to him and held his head, then she hugged his neck. A moment passed and then she swatted him in the back of the head.
" I told you not to join the fight!" She scolded and then he looked up and laughed joyously.
"You remember! I've missed you Mils," he bounded towards her and licked her face until she managed to fight him off. This was all new to her and yet so normal that she could have known this dragon for centuries. One day she didn't believe that dragons were real, the next they were saying that she was one too and all she could think was how happy she was to find Regis again. How happy she would be if she turned into a dragon. But also how she was going to win the war with the little experience she had. She was going to wing it-quite literally...

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