Fear of flying

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As me and Tyler took our seats opposite each other and fasten our seat belts, my gaze didn't draw away from the door once until Bruno closed it and locked it.

Once the door was closed a sigh of relief immediately overcame me as if a wight had been lifted off of my chest. Though I attempted to make it not as visible, Tyler still managed to notice that I seemed relieved. 

"Nice acting, you nearly had me there for a second. It was the freak out when Chelsea called you mum that majorly gave it away", Tyler began to chuckle.                                                                          "Wh-what do you mean nice acting? I wasn't acting? When? What are you talking about?" I began to freak out again.                                                                                                                                     "That's exactly what I mean, you start to freak out when your lying or trying to hide something, if I managed to notice that in just a day, just imagine if everyone else has noticed, I mean they've known you for longer. Or it's just the fact that I can detect bad acting by looking at it." He began to make sense, was it really that noticeable that I was trying to hide something.                            "I'm not lying Tyler, so just leave it out! Please..." I pleaded.

Tyler held his hand up in the air in defeat, "as you wish, but I'm just letting you know, I do know more about you than you think. Maybe more than you know yourself..." He turned in his seat and put his earphones in and closed his eyes. 

What does he mean by 'I do know more than you think- more than you know yourself'? Who's been telling him things about me and how does he know more about me than I do? 

The jet began to move, running down the runway faster and faster, my nerves increased and my grip on the chair got tighter. "T-t-t-t-t-t-Tyler!!!" I screamed in fear. I've always had a fear of flying ever since my mother told me how my dad died. My father, I'd never met him but I blamed myself because he died in a plane crash coming to the UK to meet me for the first time.            Ever since I've been scared of flying in case karma was to once come back and bite me in the backside. 

I must have been loud enough because it made Tyler jump and remove his earphones and looked at me in shock. "What's wrong Skyler?!" He sounded worried and I felt guilty.

"I-I'm sc-scared of flying!" My grip got tighter on the chair and I squeezed my eyes shut. Without noticing it, Tyler had undone his seat belt and came to sit next to me. Placing his arm around me, he attempted to comfort me. 

"Tyler what are you...doing?" I was confused about why he was doing this.                                 "Shhh, it's okay... I'm here, you don't have to be scared anymore. I know about you fear of flying I forgot okay I'm sorry. You don't have to explain anything to me..." I haven't opened my eyes, I didn't need to, I could hear his sympathy, hurt and reassurance just in his voice.

Realizing that there was no arm rest between us, I leaned to my side and rested my head on his chest as the jet continued to speed up and lift off of the ground. 

"This doesn't mean that I like you though, I'm just scared of flying, so as soon as we get out of this jet, I WILL be going back to despising you", I muttered still with my head nuzzled in his chest as he continued to hold me. I felt safe, like no matter what would happen he would still be holding me tight, not letting me go. I didn't know what it was about him, but I just felt comfortable. 

I was warm, comfortable and so, so tired, I began to drift... of to... slee-

4 hours later

I woke up to find that it was pitch black outside and I was still laying on Tyler. Slowly, I surveyed the lounge without movement. I didn't want him knowing I was awake, he'd move and I wouldn't be comfortable anymore. I saw that Bruno was sitting on the opposite side of the jet reading a familiar book... Wuthering heights maybe, it looked like it though it could have been another book from the classics collection all the covers looked the same. He also had a glass of wine in front of him with his laptop and loads of paperwork, he must have just been taking a break from his work by reading a book. 

Then I saw that Tyler was watching a film, in an attempt to figure out what he was watching, I stared at the screen, lip reading and seeing how the story line went . Then I realized that it was a film I'd see the trailer to only a few days ago. But how? It's not supposed to be out until November and it's June...

"I can restart it if you want", Tyler sounded tired as he offered to re-watch the film so I could watch it to.                                                                                                                                                                                  "No thanks, but how did you get it? It's not supposed to be aired until-" I was interrupted by his rudeness.                                                                                                                                                                       "Easy, I starred in it, so I have to watch it and tell the directors if it's rubbish or not", he tapped on the screen and turned the film off. 

"Can we just sit and talk instead, I really think we need to talk about earlier and I need to explain to you a few things if you were serious about learning to understand each other..." I sat up from leaning on Tyler and waved my hand in the air signalling for Bruno to come over to us. 

"Hey, could you give us a few hours of privacy please and maybe uh get me a glass of water and something light that I could eat..." He nodded in response and walked off putting his book down on the table with his paperwork as he walked away. 

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