Ultra Instinct- the birth of the vengeful god

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*Y/n's POV the day before meeting Salem*
The supreme Kai of time had died from the torture once again... I grow tired of this nonsense.

Y/n: "Apollyon revive her, we're not through yet."

Apollyon nodded and placed his demonic hand upon her, returning her soul to her and bring the Kai back to life. She gasped for air again, spluttering form the sensation of returning to life... for the 13th time.

Y/n: "I do not wish to kill you supreme Kai. However you are bring this upon yourself. So I shall ask you again. Give me the ring please."

Supreme Kai: "Never! The rings were made for those worthy of them. You are not worthy to hold one let alone two rings."

Y/n: "but of course I am. I am a god, the only god worthy to wield them. Soon I shall control this universe, whether you like it or not."

Supreme Kai: "the universe... the universe has its problems yes. But why do you seek to rule over all of creation?"

Y/n: "because the universe is burdened by self importance. Mortals believe they are better than the mortal below them. A foolish belief, a belief that has made many challenge the gods themselves, for they believe they are so high above other mortals that they can merely challenge a deity, and what do the gods do? Do they smite this insolence? Do they even show the smallest concern for what these actions cause? No! Instead they speak directly to the filth that is humanity. They allow the worms to crawl ever closer to them, to enter the realms of the gods. Despicable creatures."

Supreme Kai of Time: "y-you cant... cant paint every mortal with the same brush. My time patrollers are good people."

Y/n: "Some mortals use the gifts of the gods to create masterpieces, works of art that even the gods could not deny their beauty, and they shall be spared; others help the gods like you assist with small matters and they too shall be spared... but this is a small number. Most use their intellect to harm others, to brutally beat them as if they were mindless beasts attacking defenceless prey. That is how my quest for vengeance and peace began"

Supreme Kai of Time: "w-why are you like this? What made you so full of rage?"

Y/n: "I'm so glad you asked, it all began with this." I reveal an old battered leather bound book "this book began the fire. It showed me the error of the gods, and the means to enact my revenge on this world. This book began my story, the story of the pain I endured, and the long journey I travelled to achieve perfection. To begin, we shall travel back to my childhood. Where it all began... Menagerie. To understand my reasoning for the destruction of mortal kinds we shall look at my own past. To a young boy who only wanted to be loved."

*flashback. 10 years ago*
I was 10 at the time, Blake was twin sister, my mother was always home taking care of her, whilst my father was always busy as he was the leader of the white fang at the time. He would often come home stressed, and he would need something to take his mind off of work for a few hours. That was me. At 5pm every day that hulking oaf would come and beat the everloving crap out of me! Why was I treated like this? Because I'm a Faunaus with no animal traits, and Ghira saw me as an abomination. Blake found it funny how I was treated, often Ghira would take her and mother down to join in on the savage beatings... I shall spare you the details of these cruel beatings until such time as it is necessary. The only person who ever showed me love was my grandfather. The last time I saw him, he bequeathed me his ring, I always hid it from Ghira of course, but this ring surged with power, I could feel it pulse on my finger when I wore it. One day I learned the ring he gave me was a powerful artefact. The ring of storms.

 The ring of storms

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God of vengeance- abused male ultra instinct reader X SalemWhere stories live. Discover now