Clash of the gods on the time nest

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Y/n: "alright.. we need to find the others. Whis, do we have any idea where Tarn is?"

Whis: "I would presume he's still at his mothers. I do hope Miss Schnee is alright."

Blake: "then we need to get there fast! But it's on the other side of the world, and your teleportation is fast, but it's not instantaneous."

Y/n: "Salem my dear, it seems these mortals- sorry force of habit. Can we get everyone through your portals together?"

Salem: "it will have to be done in two trips. Might I suggest we allow Whis and Beerus to go first with Blake to explain the situation to the others."

Y/n: "good idea, I can't imagine they'll be happy to see me..."

Salem conjured a portal in the centre of the room as I began helping mom up to her feet. Mom smiled at me as she stood up and dusted herself off

Kali: "I'm coming with you."

Y/n: "no. You're not a fighter, you could get hurt."

Kali: "that never stopped you all those years."

Salem: "I could always ask my followers to protect her. Cinder at least would be happy to."

Y/n: "oh yeah... Tarn did kind of have a run in with her too. This is going to be difficult to say the least."

Whis: "give us a few moments to explain the situation to the others, then follow us through."

Whis, Beerus and Blake all walk through the portal. Before she disappeared, Blake gave me a warm smile over her shoulder as she walked through.

Y/n: "alright, we need to prepare for anything. I don't expect this will be easy."

Salem: "we have one advantage over them my dear. We are now fighting for what's right."

Y/n: "indeed. As one who had his mind clouded in anger and vengeance, I know it will not be so easy to persuade Zamasu and Apollyon to stand down. But we will try our hardest... but anyway, that should be enough time. Salem, if you would."

Salem contoured another portal and the three of us stepped out into a circular room with a lot of people. Whis, Beerus and Blake were all stood in front of us and Blake smiled again when she saw us... the others however. Well the blue tailed Sayain suddenly lunged forwards and slammed me into the wall

Tarn: "you bastard.. you're gonna pay!"

Y/n: "I assure you, I already have. But what for this time?"

His hold on me grew tighter, he clenched his hand around my throat and threw me to the floor. As I stood up I noticed a sofa with a sleeping woman upon it... no she's not sleeping. Oh no.

Y/n: "what happened?"

Tarn: "your henchmen happened. They said they'd kill her if she didn't give them the ring. Then they killed her anyway..."

Y/n: "I assume this is Weiss?"

Tarn: "yeah... my fiancé."

Y/n: "*sigh* I'm so sorry."

Tarn aimed a KI blast at my head as I knelt in front of the woman's body
Tarn: "no you're not... not yet."

Vegeta: "that's enough. If we have any chance of defeating these gods then we'll need him with us."

Tarn: "but father-"

???: "he's right Tarn. We need a god to kill a god."
We all turn to see a man in a leather trench coat and a long chain wrapped around him, stood beside a blonde woman with glasses

God of vengeance- abused male ultra instinct reader X SalemWhere stories live. Discover now