Part 6

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Meelies POV:

I felt numb as I walked down the winding corridors of the hospital. It was quite late, and there were very few people in the hallways, and all seemed to be hospital employees aside from me. That was until I saw a woman half running, but weighed down with a big overnight holdall so she was more like waddling. She wore a long grey cardigan that disguised her slightly plump figure, and her hair was dyed a pastel pink colour, but brunette roots were protruding from her scalp. All of a sudden, I realised the only person that it could possibly be at this time- it must be Ali. I slowed my pace as I walked towards her, but she seemed extremely panicked in her own little world, so as we grew closer I cleared my throat loudly to catch her attention.

"Hi, sorry this sounds weird, but are you Ali?" As I started speaking I realised how odd it was, to walk up to a person and have no idea who I am. The woman stopped jerkily from her fast pace and looked me dead in the eyes.

"Ali Astall?" She replied, looking me dead in the eyes, to a point which it scared me a little.

"Yes, sorry I am Amelia, I was just with Dec-"

"No no, I am Lisa, I know Ali though"

"Oh right- well erm she's on her way if you wait five minutes?" I suddenly felt extremely awkward and couldn't wait to put this encounter behind me.

" No I'm not waiting for Ali, do you know where Ant is if you were with Dec? I'm Ants wife.. ex-wife."

"Oh" That's all I could say as the cogs all clicked into place inside my tired brain. Lisa looked at me expectantly, and I didn't quite know what to do. For confidentiality reasons, if not anything else, I was pretty sure I couldn't take her there without the say so from the doctors- also I didn't know if either Ant or Dec would appreciate her presence. On the contrary, I knew I couldn't walk away from her now, she was obviously desperate.

"It's just all the information desk have gone home, and I can't find anyone who can help, Dec called me and I..." This was ridiculous, I had to help her.

"Yeh, I can take you there, but it's probably best if we sit down somewhere and I can update you before you see him."

"Oh are you a nurse or something?"

"No I'm a hospital volunteer, I've been supporting Ant and Dec." It was extremely awkward to describe what I did and I cringed as I said it, making myself sound a lot more official than my role actually was. Lisa accepted that and nodded as I turned on my heel, realising I wasn't getting home till much much later this evening.

I had tried my hardest to be delicate, but Lisa didn't seem able to comprehend the (now almost inevitable) outcome that Ant probably wouldn't wake up. She was insistent on what treatment or medications could be used, and try as I might she refused to give up on him. It was heart-breaking, her desperation to cling on to the hope- which I feared wouldn't get her very far. After exhausting the possibility of getting her to understand, I gave in and led her towards ICU, hoping Dec would be able to help. We were allowed entrance by a nurse, who obviously recognised me. Lisa slowed, the gravitas of the situation was beginning to hit her, as she followed me down the corridor lined with still patients. When we reached Ant's bay I was about to alert Dec to the imminent arrival- before Lisa made that job completely unnecessary with a shriek.

Dec's POV:

Startled, I practically jumped out me seat, and the sight I saw as my head whipped round made me want to dissolve into nothingess and disappear.

"Lise." I spoke quietly and immediately stood up, guiding her into the bay, and away from all the eyes locked on her from the surrounding bays.

"I'm sorry I just...just didn't expect" Lisa started blubbering and I opened my arms to her, as she fell into my chest. I sighed and looked up seeing Meelie once again. I shot her a small smile and she mouthed back at me

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