Please dont leave me lisbug

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Chapter 2


I look over at lisa. Her top was soaked in blood.

I called out


"Lisa? lisa! lisa can you hear me?"

No answer.

I climb myself out of the car as the passenger side was mostly crushed.

I limped to the other side of the car.

I tried to open the door but it wouldn't open. I got my phone out my pocket and called 911.




Me and my girlfriend have got into a car crash.

I told her where we were and she said ambulance is on their way.

I keep trying to open Lisa's door. luckily I got the door open. But I couldn't get her out of her seat.

I sat next to her stroking her hair.


"I am so sorry lisa. I love you. Please open your eyes. Let me see those big beautiful blue eyes. Please don't leave me lisa."

I turn to see the ambulance driving our way.

Next thing I see is lisa getting put into the ambulance. They directed me into the same ambulance.

I sat down next to lisa. I didn't take my eye of her.


"It will all be okay lisa. My little lisbug? can you hear me lisa?"

Tears fell down my face. but I still didn't take my eyes of lisa, as I didn't want to miss her waking up. If she ever does...

We arrived at the hospital. They ran while wheeling her down the corridor. I ran with them, even though my foot was in agony. My lisbug is worth it.

They wheeled her into the room. They didn't let me come in. The last thing I saw was them hooking her up with tubes.

I sat down on the seat outside the room. I put my hands on my head and cried. Cried more than I have ever done before. She is in there because of me. I did this to her. Why couldn't it be me?

I got out my phone and called my mom.




"Hi... mom..."

I could hardly speak. I wiped my tears away.


"Mom. me and lisa have been in a car crash. I am fine but lisa is in a room and they won't let me in there. I'm scared I'm going to loose her mom..."

I started to cry again.


"I will be there soon shane."

I told her the hospital name and hung up. I dropped my phone onto my lap, I put my head back and cried.

Please don't leave me lisbug...


Ohh so much drama!





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