chapter 1

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Chapter 1.

"Ma I want to follow you" a five years old Loren said looking at Marie who was ready to go to the palace for her usual job, usually every person who works in the palace must stay within the palace for effective functioning in duty.

Marie didn't stay in the palace because she had a family but as the royal seamstress the job didn't require her to remain in the palace.

Smiling at Loren she squats to his level placing a kiss on his hair.

"Of course you are coming with me baby, since you passed your reading test, ma is proud" she said.

The reading test is a kind of test given to the children within 5-8 age range; the traditional tutors would teach the children here on how to read and let them read as an oral assessment.

"Yay!" Loren exclaimed in excitement and he let Marie help him wear his shoes before they left the house.

Hopping beside Marie who smiled and waved at everyone who knew her, though no one ever questioned her about Loren but she was sure they did in the dark and she loved it that way.

She made sure to give Loren all he needed and he was a nice child to ever have, good mannerism was like his second nature. He acted like an adult.

This must be how royals behave as kids.


At that age he never caused any trouble at all, his beauty was beyond their imagination With a head filled with dark brown curls that stopped at his shoulder blade, his sea green eyes that always seem to be always be bright and filled with curiosity.



"Can I go help the gardener again today?" Loren asked immediately the palace gates came into view.

Marie smiled nodding at the Loren with adoring eyes, for a while now she noticed that his love for flowers was increasing daily.

"Come meet me in the little room when you are tired baby boy"

"Yes mama. I love you" he hugged her before running towards the direction of the garden with so much excitement.

He loved the colors and the way he felt when he seats on the grass and rubs his fingers over each petal that left a soft feeling within him.

In the garden he always found himself in the mist of flowers, what he did not know was that when ever he stayed within flowers his eyes takes the color of the flower then returns to normal when he lives

"Hello Mr. lulu" Loren said when he saw the gardener who looked up from the flower he was watering to find his little friend.

Mr Luann always saw what his eyes does but he knows why it happens and told Marie about it since she was Loren's guardian.

"Hey little Ren Ren, how is your mom"

"Ma is doing very good. can I help you today Mr. Lulu?" he asked as Luann shook his head.

" little Ren Ren I want to show you something that you can help me take good care of" Luann said as he watch Loren face brighten.

Leading the boy towards the little stream close to the garden, he held the boy's hand while they walked around it towards a willow tree. Underneath it was a pure white lilac that seems to glow only within Loren eyes; it was so beautiful that it glowed brighter when Loren stood before it.

"Mr. Lulu it's beautiful what should I do" he asked with curiosity.

Luann had a secret, he just needed An excuse for Loren to help him watch over the flower, he knew who Loren really was and that's because he was sent to monitor him which is not for the wrong reason.

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