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"You're an idiot, moron, asshole ..." I didn't finish telling many of the thousands defects that has because he interrupted me.

"Don't play with fire, you'll burn"

"The one that is burning is you, you don't stop playing with fire" I shouted. He approached me while he dangerously shelves on the wall.

"I will always burn for you" He whispered in my ear. My hair stands on instantly. His lips get closer of mine's. I smile mischievously.

"So, you want to play with fire for me?"

"Absolutely" He answered. Now his lips are touching my lips; suddenly I raise my leg very strong hitting his groin.

It makes his body bend backwards trying to suppress the pain.

"What's wrong with you? ¡crazy!" He said angry with the face red as a tomato.

"That's because you can't play with me" I answered. I leave the room, slamming the door.

You're a fucking asshole and exasperating, Alex. A fucking asshole.

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