Chapter 1: Exposition

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Hai! :D It's Beastimmortal! I decided to make a fanfic about Cryaotic and TheRPGMinx (I mean, come on, they have the best laughs EVER!!!!!) I want to make it an actual story, so please bare with me through the exposition. THIS IS NOT SLASH OR SMUT OR WHATEVER YOU CALL IT. I DO NOT WRITE THOSE KINDS OF STORIES. Phew....with that behind us, ENJOI!!!!!


Cry's POV:

I woke up from a dreamless sleep. I don't really dream that often, being as I don't really sleep that often, getting only about 4 hours of shut-eye. I had actually forgot to remove my mask that night, the white plastic mask feeling oddly comfortable, probably due to the fact that I wear it all the time. I contemplated whether I should just crawl right back into bed and lose myself in slumber, but, as always, I took myself downstairs to the kitchen. I immediately went for the coffee machine, preparing some coffee to, hopefully, wake myself up. While waiting for the coffee to finish, I headed around the corner to my living room. It's a medium sized room, containing a wall-mounted television, a sofa and love-seat in the far corner with a coffee table being the only thing separating the two, some clothes here and there, and a computer set up near the television for creating gameplay videos. On the right of the computer desk is Ken's bear hat. I guess Ken left it hear when he came over the other day, I thought to myself. I let myself fall onto the couch, while simultaneously reaching for the remote. I turned on the television, surfing through multiple channels when, before finding a suitable channel, the coffee machine stopped making noise, signalling to me that the coffee was ready. "Really. Now. You can't wait until I find something good on TV," I groaned. I forced myself off of the sofa, basically dragging myself to the kitchen. I went to the pot, reaching above the machine for the conveniently placed coffee mugs. I selected one that I particularly like, with a picture of a bro surrounded by hearts on it and a brofist on the other side. Felix gave it to me one year for my birthday, knowing my love for coffee. I take it out of the cabinet, shutting the door and placing the mug on the counter. I removed the pot from the machine, pouring the coffee into the mug until it was about half-full, or, as Felix would jokingly say: "Not full enough, bitch!" A laughed a bit at the thought of it. I then reached for the creamer I had placed right next to the machine. It was just plain, vanilla creamer. I poured quite a bit into the mug, followed with milk. When it was all said and done, the mug was about three-quarters full. I went back to the living room, this time turning off the TV and heading for the computer. Shortly after pressing the power button, the doorbell rang. "Bad fucking timing," I yell, not caring who it might be. I reluctantly get up from my chair to see who was waiting at the door. I opened the door, my eyes growing wide, feeling the equivalent force of being tackled by a bear. Well, in a way, I guess you could say that it was a bear. Ken hugged me with all his might. I felt kinda uncomfortable, but that's Ken for ya. He is probably the friendliest person I've ever met. He was wearing a plain red t-shirt and black shorts. Wouldn't expect him to dress any more than casual, anyway. Besides, here I was, wearing a plain blue shirt with a few holes here and there with plain blue jeans. I was pretty tired when I turned in the night before, so I just didn't feel like changing beforehand. He walked into the living room, plopped himself down on the couch, and turned on the TV. It's not like I minded him arriving unexpected, though. He is one of my best friends, after all. "Aw, c'mon! Nothing?!" exclaimed Ken, realizing, just as I had earlier, that there was absolutely nothingon TV. Ken groaned, switching the television off, follow by a ferocious slam of the remote control into the couch. Ken sniffed the air a bit. "Still got some coffee?" he asked. I just nodded, not saying anything. He went into the kitchen, promptly heading for the coffee pot. I sat at the computer and logged myself in. Ken pulled up the other chair I had and sat next to me, coffee in hand. His coffee had no sugar or creamer whatsoever; he liked his coffee completely black. I got on Amnesia, entering one of the custom stories that I was stuck on. I asked Ken about what I should do, being as he had beaten the game earlier. He told me what I had to do before his phone beeping, signalling a received text message. "Crap, I gotta go. Mary just reminded me that I have to take Betty to get her killer claws cut." He then got up and left the house. I look at my phone to see what time it was. It was already 11:30. I don't usually eat breakfast, so it didn't bother me one bit that I was going to skip straight to lunch. I decided to just walk over to that diner down the road for lunch, so I grabbed my wallet, put it in my back pocket, picked up my keys, and headed out the door.

Minx's POV:

I woke up from my sleep when the plane came to a stop. The flight attendant gave the whole "We have arrived at your destination" rubbish, and I grabbed my luggage and walked down the aisle to the exit. I walked into the airport building to find Dlive, who would then take me to his house to stay while I was in America. I travel over toward the conveyor belt to find my bag. It didn't take long to find the bag because it was the only purple one. And why wouldn't it be? Purple is the master race of colours. Anyways, I looked around before finding Dlive holding a sign that showed a drawing of me, fashioned like one of his animations. I ran over to him, got almost halfway there, and, being oblivious to the wet floor sign, slipped, falling on my bum. Dlive noticed me fall and instantly ran toward me, taking more caution of the wet floor than I did. He arrived at my fallen corpse, for I was dying of laughter. After a couple seconds of that paralyzing guffaw, I half-compose myself and allow Dlive to help me to my feet. "Are you okay?" he asked, obviously both worried and extremely amused. "More than you think," I answered with a giggle. He smiled, shaking his head, and escorted me to his car. His car was a moderately sized sports sedan, being grayish blue with the occasional scratch or dent. We didn't drive for long, arriving at his house, which was quite a bit bigger than I would've thought. His house was a plain beige colour (which made me shiver at the blandness), but it was pretty wide and was two stories tall. I knew it would be impolite to ask the cost, so I didn't, but that didn't stop me from wondering. Dlive slammed on the brakes, causing my body to flop toward the dash, the seatbelt being the only thing stopping me from bashing my head in. I playfully punched him on the arm, unbuckled the seatbelt, and got out of the car. I walked around to the back of the sedan, waiting for Dlive to press the button to open the trunk (which I found very useless). I grabbed my suitcase, plopped it on the ground and pulled out the handle. We arrived at the front porch, Dlive scrambled to find the right key while jokingly hyperventilating, which forced a giggle out of me. When he finally found the right key, he put it in the door, turned it, and extravagantly pushed open the door as if he was opening the portal to Narnia. We walked into the house, and it was....well, kinda messy. Not near as messy as my apartment in the UK, but there were clothes scattered here and there, with a pizza box lying on the coffee table. Dlive took my jacket (which was, of course, purple) and placed it on the coat rack, with his jackets obviously just lazily thrown in the general direction of the rack. "I would say that I didn't have enough time to clean up, but I did. I was just lazy." he said, pouring a cup of coffee for me, not adding any sugar or creamer. "Do you not have anything to put in the coffee?" I asked. He answered with a single chuckle, stating that the stronger the drink was, the better. I laughed, finally getting to call him a "typical American". I decided to look around for some creamer, but to no avail. I walked back toward the door, grabbed my jacket, and got on the Google Maps app I had on my iPhone. I looked at my location and, much to my delight, found a small cafè just around the block. Dlive asked where I was going, me replying with "To go get something that tastes at least half-decent." He had an expression of mock-hurt, and said that he'd just sit there all by his lonesome. I told him to have fun, chuckled, and walked out the door.


Alright, so, now that the setting is in place, I might not have to drag everything out. So, if you were able to persevere through the opening chapter, stay tuned for Chapter II!!!!

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