A Hiccup

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So another thing about autism is that in some people, like my brother, it can cause seizures. My brother gets them, but he is now on meds. He just has to get the meds every day or he'll start having seizures once every few weeks. One time, when his meds were being changed up a lot, his sodium levels got messed up and he had five seizures in a day. That was scary, as we had no idea what was happening. What's weird is that Daisy, our former dog, could always sense one coming. She would run around and bark like crazy. She jumped his bedroom door once to get in his room and laid by him while he was unconscious.
FYI, I never experienced seizures myself that I can remember (I got an EEG and an EKG when I was younger bc they were worried I was having absence seizures. ((Don't worry, it turned out to be ADD lol)), so I won't be writing from personal experience, just what David went through.

America POV
I slam the door behind me, trying hard not to cry out of frustration. My head is aching so much. Everything is extra painful. The lights are extra bright. And everyone is annoying me more than usual.

I grumble to myself as I go into the kitchen, rubbing my eyes. I hurt everywhere. I must be getting sick.

My legs cramp up a ton, and I whimper, sitting down right on the floor. Ow. I don't feel well. America Cat runs over, meowing loudly as he pads over to the Canadian Border door and the Mexican Border door, scratching on the wood with his paws. My vision is blurry. I feel so strange. I lay on my side and curl up, the world sliding away from me.
Russia POV
I knock on Amerika's door, frowning. I've been knocking for five minutes. Is he reenacting Karate Kid in the bathtub again? I hear America Cat yowling and I can see the hyper cat jumping at the windows. Oh dear. Not a good sign.
I kick the door down and run in, pipe raised. Amerika is laying on the floor, not moving. I scoop him up, trying to not freak at how limp he is. I lay him on the sofa and stroke his head, wishing he'd wake up.

I see his shirt is soaked with drool, and his head has a bump. Oh shit. He fell or.....

He is twitching a bit. Did he....have a seizure?

America Cat jumps on me and meows very loudly, looking intently at me. I chuckle. "What is it, kitty?"

The fluffy feline purrs and then runs over to a basket of blankets, tugging out a blanket with his teeth and running over. Wow. That is one strong cat.

I thank the furball and lay the blanket on Alfred, who isn't twitching anymore. He's just limp.

I'm about to call any nations near him when a weak moan reaches my ears. I turn to see Amerika's bloodshot eyes open, a scared,  confused look in them. "Where'm I? Ivan, why'm I in 'ere?!" His accent is very strong and slurred. I part his hair, examining the bump on his head. "I believe you had a seizure, darling. You bumped your head, it looks like. How do you feel, Fredka?"

Alfred pouts like he's in pain. "Ow......everywhere...." I take my hands off his head and almost cry at how sad and in pain he looks. "Has this happened before, dear?"

He shrugs. ".....Never....awake....."

I nod and take that to mean that he's had them before, but he never remembers them.

He yawns, and I gently ruffle his hair. "Go to sleep, dear. I'll get a cold compress for your head." As I get up, I hear him mumble, "Is my head weirdy shaped?"

I chuckle. "Da, but it's temporary."

I come back with an ice pack and gingerly set it on his head. He mumbles gibberish in his sleep, his chest rising and falling. America Cat jumps on his stomach and curls up, purring loudly. Like owner, like cat.

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