A letter to Antigone of Thebes
Dear, Antigone
A martyr you've become
Taken out by a blade of your own pride
Forged by your beliefs and ideals
Oh, Antigone
I'm standing right where you were
Do I bury my brother
Or do I let myself live on
I don't want to be a teenage tragedy
But that seems to be
The only place that my life will lead
But, Antigone
I want to stand up
For what i'd die for
I just don't want to die
And dead, kill one more
I'll die a martyr
Or join a pile of bodies
How Antigone
Do I be like you
But not become you
My fear separates us
It seems to guide me sometimes
Now, Antigone
I'll die someday but not tonight
I've got so much left to do
That I want to do
That I need to do
So I won't leave tonight
I want to start a revolution
Because we already have our revelations
I just want to live to see it really start
Goodbye, Antigone
We seem to be dreaming
Reaching for the stars
But it seems we are
Dreaming in the dark
For the most part
Maybe one day our beliefs
Might do some good for someone else
And maybe one day it won't start
With bloodshed but something else
Sincerely, A girl with hope for a better future
Sunshine or Shadows
Oh Persephone,
Why did you run?
Oh, tell me, please,
Why did you leave?
Was life in the sun
And among the flowers
Really that bad?
Or is that the darkness
Is far more welcoming?
Please tell me, Persephone,
To which should i run?
Is the darkness worth
Leaving the sun and flowers?
Can I make my own garden
Amongst the shadows?
Is the sun going to burn me
Before i can really live?
Oh Persephone,
Please tell me the truth?
Pantheon of People
I couldn't fill a pantheon with people
I have meet and have stayed
But I could fill a pantheon with the people
I have meet and have left
Maybe it would help if I wasn't so mean
But at the very least I'm not manipulative
I tend to be guilty over things I haven't done
But at least it's better than having none
For the things that I have done
A pantheon of people are different
If only there wasn't a pantheon of people
That are so indifferent