Well Then-- A.Skarsgård

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Freja and Gustav strolled through the airport bickering, the eighteen hour flight from Rio De Janeiro to Stockhom had been utter hell, the staff had been rude, two children had kicked their seats and Travis had gotten food poisoning. Kathryn had flown back home to Canada two days prior to their departure and Travis had gotten off at their stop in London.
Now, both were extremely jet-lagged, hungry and hungover from their vacation to one of the party capitals of the world.
   "Remind me again, Mr Skarsgård just why we agreed to go to Rio with TRAVIS of all people?" Freja asked him, slipping on her sunglasses as she spotted a sneaky camera.
   "Because, Miss Nördinstrån, we thought it would be fun." Gustav replied.
    "Who's picking us up?" Freja asked eventually, ordering a large mocha from a vendor.
    "My father, I'm assuming you're staying with us until your Dad's home?" He answered.
   "If your dad says that's fine, if not then I'll just stay in his house it's no big deal." She shrugged.
   "My dad loves you. Of course he'll let you stay." Gustav chuckled.
   "I hope so." Freja sighed.
The pair exited the airport and were met by a smiling Stellan.
   "How was your holiday?" He asked.
"Ugh. I am never drinking tequila again after that stunt with Travis and Chris down at the beach." Freja groaned.
   "Dare I ask?" Stellan chuckled.
"Chris, Travis and Freja decided it would be fun to challenge a few Mexican guys to tequila pong so to speak, let's just say that they lost." Gustav grinned.
    " Not true Gustav." Freja argued.
"Really? Because I remember having to throw you over my shoulder to get you back to Kathryn's. " He replied.
  "I'm assuming that no matter who tells this story, Freja ends up drunk with a hangover." Stellan reasoned with the pair.
   They shared a look, Freja raising a perfectly sculpted brow.
"Yup." They agreed, placing their suitcases into the Volvo and driving to the Skarsgård family home. 
    "Freja, you've not met Alexander yet have you?" Stellan quizzed.
   "Um I don't think so." Freja replied, quickly answering a text from her Scottish mother, Marie.
   "Well you'll meet him tomorrow, he's coming home from Berlin." Stellan smiled.
   "Sounds good." Freja smiled back.
Upon arriving at the Skarsgård family home, Freja was met by her Allegiant co-star, Bill who embraced her quickly. She had been his rock during filming and for that he was eternally grateful. Eija was at her mother's and would be arriving with Alexander tomorrow. Freja was excited about seeing  her, when she was working on Thor, Stellan had introduced them and they had soon become fast friends, Valter just dive bombed her with hugs.
    Later on, Stellan cooked pasta but Freja didn't eat much because she was too tired and soon went to bed.
     The next day, Freja woke up at roughly ten and made her way to the bathroom to find it locked, she frowned but figured that Gustav or Bill would be using it .
So instead she went back to bed for the next two hours and took a shower afterwards before going downstairs.
   "Afternoon. There's coffee in the pot and Gustav is doing brunch." Bill winked at her as she shuffled in wearing some black running shorts  and her University of St.Andrews  hoodie, along with knee high grey socks.
   She immediately went to help Gustav.
     "Do you want me to do the eggs?" She asked.
"If you can poach them." He winked.
Freja mock gasped. "How dare you assume I cannot make a poached egg."
   "Well I know how clumsy you are Freja so don't take it personally." He grinned.
     "What has cooking got to do with being clumsy?" She answered.
    "Fair point now tie your hair up before we have eggs Benedict and hairballs. " Gustav replied, handing her a hair bobble.
  Freja tied her long black hair into  messy bun before turning to Gustav who snapped a photo for his instagram.

@gustav_skars- Awww isn't she adorable? @freja_wid_a_j
To which she replied

@freja_wid_a_j - meh, I may be adorable AF but nothing compares to Floki puppy eyes @gustav_skars
     The pair bickeredsome more until Stellan wandered in.
   "Afternoon, Freja." He smiled.
"Hej Stellan." She grinned, poaching some more eggs.
   "What's cooking?" He asked.
"Eggs Benedict, Vikings style." Gustav told his father.
  "Oh Really, how so?" Stellan quizzed.
"Um we're serving it with pesto and bacon rather than hollandaise and with toast Because, Freja, DESPITE her heritage insists on eating everything with TEA." Gustav chuckled. 
    "Hey! Don't diss my mish mash of culture GusGus. My mother may be Scottish but my father as you know is Swedish and I was brought up in ENGLAND." Freja argued.
   "Oh dear here we go again."
"My my, how can I resist ya." Gustav and Freja sang.
   "I give up with you two!" Stellan whined as the pair died laughing.
       Brunch was amazing, the atmosphere was beautiful and so relaxed. Afterwards, Stellan and Valter went to clean up while Bill, Gustav and Freja threw themselves onto the large couch in the sitting room.
There wasn't anything decent to watch on TV so all three managed to fall asleep.
   When Stellan, Eija, Alexander and Valter came back, they were surprised to find the house silent.
  "Gustav? Bill? Freja?" He called.
"Freja?" Alexander asked.
      "Freja Nordinsträn, she plays Aisling of Iona in Vikings, Violet in the Divergent Series and Eisa in Thor, there's obviously more but those are the things she's starred in with a Skarsgård. Anyways, she's friends with Dad and Bill and Gustav." Valter rushed.
    "Huh." Alexander shrugged, before following his father.
    When he entered the large living room, he was first met with the TV that was on mute.
The next thing he noticed was the beautiful woman sleeping on his dad's couch along with his brothers.
   "Crap." He thought.
It was Bill who woke up first when Alexander put his face right in front of his. His eyes opened sleepily at first but when he saw his older brother he let out a yell, waking up Gustav and Freja.
    "What the hell Alex!" Bill screamed.
Alex started laughing like a maniac before stopping when he realised the glare he was getting from both Freja and Gustav.
     The pair shared a look. "Bash?" Gustav asked.
     "Bash." Freja nodded, grabbing the nearest cushion and whacking Alex with it. Gustav and Bill joined in too and before they knew it Alex surrendered.
    "Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! Now lay off!" He yelled.
"Nope." Bill and Freja said in unison.
      "Dad!" Alex screamed.
Stellan walked in and started filming it, in stitches from the antics of the girl he already saw as a daughter.
    "Say that you're sorry!" Bill screamed. 
   "I just did!" Alex whined.
"Say it again! Say that you're a loser and Bill and Freja are the greatest people in the universe!" Bill screamed again, earning a look from Freja.
  "Okay! Okay! I'm a loser and Bill and Freja are the greatest people in the universe!" Alex yelled.
Bill and Freja stopped.
  "Mission accomplished?" Bill asked.
"Obviously." Freja grinned.
   It was at this moment that Alex drank her in. Her long legs were tanned and toned to perfection and they were on perfect display in the black running shorts she wore, her body was covered by an oversized hoodie and her black hair fell every which way, her cheeks were slightly flushed and her full lips were turned up into a smile.
   'Wow.' Thought Alex.
"Alex, son. This is Freja Nordinsträn, Freja, this is my eldest, Alex."
   "Nice to meet you." Freja smiled, holding her small hand out for him to shake.
   "Likewise." He blushed, shaking it with his much larger one.
   "Ooh Alex has got a crush!" Gustav squealed.
       "Maybe." He replied. Winking at Freja who rolled her eyes.
"Well then." Freja grinned.

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