Prologue - Angel Dirks

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My name is Angel Dirks. From my name you're probably assuming that I'm some snobby boarding school sissy. Let me tell you now that you couldn't be more wrong. I am the confidant and right hand woman of the one and only consulting criminal, Jim Moriarty. Here's the part he doesn't know - I wasn't always on his side - I used to be pretty close to his nemesis Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock and I go way back, we met on a case back when we were just starting out and have kept in touch ever since. We continually help out with eachother's cases. Unfortunately, as of late, we haven't been in such frequent contact. My current job has kept us apart mainly due to Jim Moriarty.

I work with The British government, namely Mycroft Holmes, to bring down James Moriarty. I assume that you've heard of him but if not then here's some background information. He is what is called a 'consulting criminal', people come to him to help them with their illegal troubles he is pretty much Sherlock gone bad, quite a sight to see I must say, although I can't say that Jim's cheekbones are as good...

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