Why I am like Lucifer

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On tumblr I saw a post and I'm just gonna tear it apart an just defend my lil Lucifer. 

"Lucifer is responsible of every bad thing that has ever happened to Sam since he was not even a year old.

Lucifer tortured Sam for 180 years in the cage. He abused him in every way possible. (I Know Lucifer said in Exodus 13x22 that he lost he's virginity with Kelly, but that still doesn't mean that he didn't rape Sam. I don't think I have to explain that any further)

Lucifer resurrected Sam because he saw an opportunity to get close to Jack, not because he's good or because he cares about him. It was a selfish act. Sam doesn't owe him anything.

Sam had to stay quiet and work with Lucifer so that they could get to the rift on time.

Sam had to stay quiet when Jack (the boy he took care of even though is the son of his abuser) wanted to get to know Lucifer.
Sam had to stay quiet while Lucifer was saying nothing but lies. But even I have to admit that was a good advice for Jack.

No, you're right, Lucifer never lies, he only tells HIS truth.

Just look at how he didn't wanted Gabriel to finish what he was saying, so that Jack wouldn't listen to all the awful things he did to his brothers, to the Earth and to Heaven.

And then when he said this...

This is a perfect example of how Lucifer manipulates the truth.
Just before Lucifer was imprisioned in the Cage by Michael, he tried to corrupt Abel and then Cain made a deal with him to save his brother's soul and condemn his own in exchange. Lucifer told Cain that he was the one who had to kill his brother and when he accepted this condition, Lucifer gave him the Mark.
The Mark later turned Cain into a demon. Then, he created and trained the Knights of Hell (you remember Abbadon, right?), each one of them choosed personally by Lucifer. While Cain was training the Knights of Hell, Lucifer was busy creating the Princes of Hell; Azazel, Dagon, Asmodeus and Ramiel. Around this time, Lucifer managed to save Ramsey, the only pregnantHellhound that God couldn't kill.
So, If Lucifer was locked away in the Cage, how did he managed to do all this evil for all this centuries? GOOD FREAKIN' QUESTION.
After doing all of this atrocities and being imprisioned, Lucifer's creations still served him, and Azazel was the living proof of that. After discovering the location of Lucifer's prision, he created the Special Children (babies who were fed with his demon blood, which gave them supernatural abilities.) to break the Cage seals and freed Lucifer.
But Azazel wasn't the only one making chaos; Lucifer already created demons, and those demons created other demons. The virus was already out there, all thanks to him. That's how he managed to do all that evil.

This isn't the half of the things Lucifer has done and you know that.

Remember when he corrupted Lilith's soul so much that she became a the first demon?

Remember when he killed his own brother, Gabriel?

Or when he did the same thing with his other bother Castiel, twice?

Remember when he killed and tortured Rowena, twice?

Remember when he pretended to be Kelly's lover and took sexual advantage of her?

I could go on and on...

So no, Sam wasn't rude at all for leaving Lucifer in the AU. Sam was brave. He got his revenge, and even that wasn't enough. Sam deserves to make Lucifer suffer, he deserves to kill him.
I admit Sam was a little bit naive to leave him there and he obviusly didn't thought that plan through very well, but I think he did what he thought was the right thing to do. We all know Lucifer is trying to corrupt Jack for he's own selfish 'try to conquer the world' reasons.

Just because you find him funny, doesn't mean he's one of the good guys.
Just because the writers try to make him funny and relatable, it doesn't mean he didn't do all those awful things.
Lucifer is not cute, relatable or a poor victim and doesn't deserve a redemption arc."

Okay first of all, he was doing that because OF FUCKING FATE! Like if I knew what was going to happen I wouldn't change it. If you did that it could possibly fuck with all of time and space so no thank you. 


Second: Of course he would resurrect Sam to get close to Jack. Jack sees Sam more of a father than his actual father, so he would want to to that to get close to his own offspring. Hell if my son or daughter saw a friend of mine like their mom and they died I'd fucking resurrect them to get closer to them!

I tell my own truth. I fucking lie and I've been called manipulative, but you know what I WAS NOT TRYING TO BE BUT I ENDED UP ANYWAY. Does that make it any better? No! I was still manipulative with the way I said shit. 

I fucking do wrong shit all the time. Hell I have gotten my phone, which I got in December, taken away more than I can count on both hands.
More evil shit I've done you may ask? Oh I don't know how about when I cut myself and I told my family, I was told that was really fucking evil but did I see it as evil, HELL NAH. I saw it as a fucking stress reliever. 

Also being evil can literally be anything. You lied? Your evil! You had pre-material sex? Your evil! Seriously there is not limit to end the word 'evil'. So I'm not even going into that shit.

If you remember the show I believed it said that Lucifer corrupted Liliths soul as a 'fuck you' to god. 

Yes killing you're own brother is pretty bad and I can't really say anything for that, but I will say that, the reason I think he did it was so there would be one less person to kill during the apoclaspe which Lucifer was hoping to last longer than it did.

Yes he killed Castiel... twice. Now let me tell you Castiel is my favourite character but you know what I'm going to say? The second time (I don't remember the first time) he was, quite literally standing in Lucifers way of the boys and he wanted to possibly kill them (sometimes I want to kill Sam and Dean too) so he did what he had too! I just remembered the first time. While I say its childish, he wanted to be the one to kill Michael. SO I can't completely blame him.

Yes he killed Rowena twice but before I relised how amazing she was I thought she deserved to die so I wasn't that mad about it, if he did that now I still wouldn't be upset just disappointed. Like I am with my life.

The sexual advantage thing? He was playing his part like how Gabe had asked Dean and Sam to do so many times! He played his part how he had to, if you blame him for playing a fucking role them I'm done with you just leave my profile.

Sam was a bit rude leaving him in the AU because now he had to make a deal with AU Michael which is causing the ending of the season we don't want to THANKS SAM! Also Doing that wasn't brave it was idiotic to my last point. I also swear if Sam kills Lucifer that won't end well for one, it won't be like last time he can't do anything easy so it's going to be a pain in the ass for Sam. 

Lucifer trying to corrupt Jack? No they have it wrong you were saying how he was evil for so many centuries. If you do something wrong for so long it becomes your right. If you tried to tell me when I cut that I was wrong I'd say no. But I realize now it's wrong. With Lucifer he hasn't had anyone to help him, to correct him to what is right.

You're right being funny doesn't make him good. But you know what doesn't make him bad? Oh yeah, NOT HAVING ANYONE FUCKING CORRECT HIS GODDAMN ACTIONS! You're right tumblr blog he total didn't do all those bad thing. He total did those because he wanted to and you know NOT TRYING TO GET ATTENTION FROM HIS DAD! Technically he is a victim in a way because of his father! And I think he needs a redemption arc most of all! I still don't like Ketch never will! I will never tolerate any of the BMoL. So fuck those arc give some of the you know character's who have been around longer some redemption arcs!

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